Cichlid aquascape

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 16, 2014
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1396796994.122124.jpg this is my 30 gal African cichlid tank. It has 2 plecos, 3 mbunas, 2 peacocks, and 1 hap. They're doing well but only thing is that my red zebra is a huge jerk. Any suggestions on set up or what to do with the bully?
You're going to need a bigger tank pretty soon, your current tank is way undersized and should be a minimum of 55G and 4 ft long, otherwise the small space will cause even more aggression.
I like sand it is better for them to dig in and you need some cave not just pass thru and definitely a bigger tank at least a 55
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