Cichlid ID

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 25, 2006
Queens, NY
I was looking on the Cichlid forum (the website, not on here)...and I think that what I thought were peacocks weren't peacocks at all, but Socolofi. When I bought them, I asked the man if they were peacocks, and he said they did look like it. I thought it too. However, I came across a photo...Unfortunately, I do not have pictures of the two "peacocks" I have because my camera sucks. I thought maybe they would color up as the aged, but now I may find they are a completely different fish.

Mine are almost purple looking, or a very light blue. One looks exactly like this...

The other is like that but without stripes. So, are they in fact Socolofi? I know it is probably hard without a picture of my fish, and for that I apologize.
The last photo in the first link is closest to what it looks like. The second link photos, not at all.
So the pic is of a blue fish with dark blue/black stripes and it looks nothing like the one I posted?

Edit: When I C&P the link into a new browser it brings up the pic. If I click on it a cartoonish fish pictures shows.

No, it looks nothing like that. It is purpleish (like the picture I posted) with black stripes. Not black with bright blue stripes. If I can try to find a good camera from a friend I will.
Here's a peacock that is purplish with dark stripes: Does it have the body shape of a peacock?

Does it look anything like this?, because it sounds like it might be a Cobue. I can't see the picture you linked to either (could just be the computer her at work though). Browse through the different pictures as they can vary alot. My juveniles were a dark purple with black stripes when I first got since they've grown a little, they are a lighter purple.
When I clicked on the link it showed a pic of a cartoonish fish that is blue with black stripes, the same one in the link I posted. That's where the confusion came. Now when I click on the link it brings up the correct pic. That was weird. :)
Ok, my friend is allowing me to borrow his camera tomorrow so I can post it up there tomorrow. We'll all have to wait until then :). Thanks for attempting to help in the meantime.
They neither one look like Socolofi. I don't know the specie off hand, would have to do some searching.
I've been looking through the net and posted on the One said it might be a variation of a zebra. Any thoughts?
It could be any number of the Zebra complex species. My guess would be this one, but with the fish being so small, it's really hard to tell. Most LFS workers don't know a whole lot about identifying Malawis. Within the next month or so, they should color up enough for you to have an idea of what you have. Hopefully, it's a purebred species...

BTW, I wanted know which store on Long Island you bought them from.
Oh lol, sorry max. I got those at BT & J's (or BTJ's, can't remember exact name). I usually buy at Selmer's Petland.
I don't know either of those shops, but the reviews over at C-F are not good. There are plenty of good shops on LI where you can get quality fish at good prices.
that is defiantly not a ice blue mine did not look anything like that when it was a little fella


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What's C-F? I like Selmer's a lot and I feel they have high quality tanks. BT&J's however I was not too pleased with, but they had nice cichlids.

**Edit- OK I know what it is now. Damn, those aren't too good of reviews. Put a sick feeling in my stomach. I do agree with the one's regarding BT&J's, but disagree with the reviews of Selmers. I feel really badly now that I bought fish from BY&J's, but none have died...yet. They seem pretty healthy. Guess we'll just have to wait it out. I visited Aquarium Adventure a few weeks ago...LOVED IT. Too expensive for me though. Are there any places you could recommend for the future? At the moment my stock list is complete, but if one dies I'd like to know where to go. Thanks a bunch.
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