Cichlid's in my community.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 20, 2003
I have a 30g Long with 11 Tetra, 8 Tiger Barbs 3 mollies Plecos, 2 Gromies and a Guppy. I just added two 1" African Cichlids (yellow with black fins). Will this be a compatable setup? Have I over stocked the 30G?
the cichlids will probably get along with the goramis and the plecos, but chichlids are failrly agressive fish. you genrally have them in a dedicated tank because they are territorial.

as for overstocking, you almost definitly did not.
Even when they are no bigger then a mollie? I have a 55 Gallon with Cichlids but they are 3+ in size now. Should I wait for the 1" guys to grow before putting them in with the wolfs or will they do fine with the others? The others are Eletric Blue Afericans
All my info about Chiclids are from my friend, as he has about 3 tanks worth of them, he was always adding cichlids and didn't have to many problems. Although, you may have a weird cichlid or something that may attack anyways, you never know until you try.
You said plecos. What kind? I would say that you tank is on the limit of over stocking at best. And those cichlids will be okay for awhile but when they get a bit bigger I would move them.
I'm not sure on the type, but they are VERY tiny. I would say an inch at best. The tetra's are neons, may 3/4" at pest. Basically all the fish in the tank are SMALL except for the Grommies which have grown fast. I plan on moving the Cichlids to my 55 asap.. Just don't want them to be food..
All plecos start small but many frow up to be 18 to 24 inches and require at least 60 gallon tanks or more. The neons will grow to be 1 inch and tiger barbs get to be close to 3 inches in size. Those tiger barbs will also get mean.
Hmmm...I had some Tiger Barbs for like 2 years and they never got mean. They never bothered my Zebras or my Red-Tailed Black Shark. Maybe only some of them get mean? Mine never did.
It's generally not a good idea to house African cichlids with community fishes. African behaviour/aggression/territorial needs are completely different than those of most other fish; they "speak" two different languages. With that being said, the two in the community tank may be better off there until they're a bit bigger, before going into the cichlid tank. How many cichlids are in the tank? "Yellow with black fins" sounds like Labidochromis caeruleus, which are peaceful for African cichlids. I'm not sure if "electric blue Africans" refers to Sciaenochromis fryeri (Electric Blue Hap), or is just a description of the color. The yellow labs would be fine with the blue haps-- but there are a lot of electric blue Africans that would probably terrorize your yellow labs.

A word on tiger barbs: the behaviour that most people take for meanness is just barb behaviour. They chase other fish, they'll nip fins, etc. That's what barbs do. The trick with keeping barbs is to maintain them in groups of at LEAST five. This way, they occupy one another and don't bother the other fish in the aquarium
You may be on the line for overstocking, but watch to make sure your filtration is adequate. Also, if you cichlids breed, all hell will break lose in you tank. Just watch for courting, and if it is happening, move them to your cichlid tank. Make sure there are plenty of hiding places there though.
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