Ciclid tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 10, 2009
Just bought a new tank off ebay and am going to pick it up next week. Its a aqua 980 which is a 250 litre tank. I currently have a roma 125 which is a community aquarium and am considering whether to make the new one a cichlid tank. Can you guys give me your thoughts on what you think, if their hard to maintain, what cichlids to get etc. Cheers.
G'day mattamdbenny,
Personally speaking; "go for it!" I'm new to African Cichlids myself and providing you stick to the basic requirements such as temperature 26 degrees C, high pH 8.2 and your water hardness, they're easy peasy! I have 6 Cynotilapia afra 'Cobues' and they are flourishing (if fish can flourish.) Make sure that your bio-filter is working properly so check your Amonia/Nitrite/Nitrate levels every week until your readings are Amonia 0.00 / Nitrite 0.00 and Nitrate < 40 then start adding those fish. Ohh!...don't forget those water changes, 20-25% fortnightly or monthly depending on your filtration system. Good luck!
well a 66 gallon (250 ltrs) tank can house many different types of cichlids.. depending on what kind you like.. you can get a variety of assorted cichlids, ahli cichlids.. just keep in mind they are slightly territorial fish. dont overstock the tank.. where most people say 1 inch per adult per gallon (5 ltrs).... in the cichlid world.. id say 1 inches per 3-4 gallon of water (15-20 ltrs). I would know.. im fighting with fighting oscars as we speek lol
Forget the PH. I have kept African cichlids forever with my normal 7.4 PH.
They are all happy and healthy.
Stable PH is the key. They adapt easily to the lower PH but, as most fish do, want the PH to stay in one place. I see so many people fight to get the PH to a level of the fishes native habitat only to screw their tanks up.
They are very easy to take care of.
Forget the PH. I have kept African cichlids forever with my normal 7.4 PH.
They are all happy and healthy.
Stable PH is the key. They adapt easily to the lower PH but, as most fish do, want the PH to stay in one place. I see so many people fight to get the PH to a level of the fishes native habitat only to screw their tanks up.
They are very easy to take care of.

+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 stability is the only thing most fish really care about. leave it alone, and dont have it bounce all over the place every single day.. your fish will be happier.
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