Clam discovery

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 17, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
I had a majano anemone on one of my rocks, so I removed the rock and stuck it in freshwater for a few days while I was on vacation. I assume the anemone is dead, but I returned to find that the rock was in fact a clam! I have no idea what kind of clam it is, but it never had a fleshy mantle.

Few questions: is the clam likely dead? How could I tell? Could I return this to my tank, or will it pollute? Otherwise, what should I do with it (dead or alive)?

is it open or closed? Some Clams last weeks out of water so it may not be. If it closed up tight and did not let any FW in. put it back in the tank and watch it close for a day or so. If its open and does not close when you touch it its dead.
It's open and does not close up. There's flesh inside. Should I clean it out or let it decompose in my QT? It's ornamental, at least.
I would not put it in your QT as it will foul it up maybe a bucket of water but it will foul up your tanks.
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