Clean up crew for moderate overfeeding.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 7, 2011
Huntington Beach, CA
I'm looking for some ideas for a cleanup crew that wont compete with my goldfish for the food. Long story short she is blind in one eye so she has trouble seeing food and it takes her awhile to eat. I even re-scaped the tank so a large portion of it is a flat flagstone for feeding her.

There are 2 ghost shrimp in the tank with her right now and no other fish. I've been doing a light gravel vac every evening just to suck up the excess food but it seems like a waste. I don't really mind doing that though since she's a fighter! She's overcome constipation that lasted 3 weeks (didn't eat the whole time), swimbladder problems, and ich twice while somewhere along the line developing popeye in 1 eye!:blink:

Here's tank info:
36 gallon bowfront
substrate is mostly flat/smooth flagstone with areas of gravel
lightly planted with anacharis and soon java fern
2 ghost shrimp
no other fish

Any ideas are greatly appreciated! I'd prefer to keep the bioload to a minimum if possible (not really looking to fully stock the tank).:)
I would skip the fish and just take more time in feeding the fish, I rescued a Jag with cataracts in both eyes it just takes more time with slower feedings.
That's pretty much how the feedings have been going. I'll put in 3 pellets in the morning before work, a few more when I get home, a few more after about an hour. But by the end of the day I'm still sucking up quite a bit. I guess I should just be thankful she's eating period!
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