Clean up Crew preferences

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 12, 2008
Nova Scotia, Canada
hey, i recently bought 20 blue legged hermit crabs, 4 bumblebee snails, and an emerald crab, but i was wondering what everyones suggestions were on some other CUC members. i have a 30gal tank that has been running for almost 2 months now. i aqm planning for corals as well and it will be a community tank. thanks you in advance for any suggestions
Those bumblebees will eat other snails. Make sure you have larger shells for the hermits to grow into. Look at nassarius, cerith and margarita snails. Maybe a brittle star.
yeah i bought some other shells lastnight to keep the hermit crabs happy and so the would leave my snails alone.

okay i will avoid other snails, but i am leary of the brittle star. dont the eat fish while they are sleeping?

any suggestions on another crab or where i have the emerald crab am i dont for crabs?
The snails I have listed above I have in my tank. The Brittle stars are safe, I think it is the green one that might eat other critters.
Crabs can possibly get nasty as they get older.
I would look at a cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp and peppermint shrimp as well.
yeah i had read up on crabs and realize they can turn out to be quite the pest but they just look so **** but i am going to definatly pick up some shrimp i just need to wait for my tank to get a bit more established i guess, it is only 2 months old.
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