Cleaning my filter

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 5, 2006
St. Louis, Missouri
I have an annoying humming coming from my filter. I have a Emperor 400. I took it apart as much as I could last weekend, and I thought I had it fixed, but it came back after I turned it off and did a water change.

Is it going out?

Do you turn your filter off and on during water changes?
Never used an Emperor filter, but I turn my Aqua Clear filters off every time I feed. Have never had a problem. I definitely turn them off for water changes.
With the emporer filters it is rather easy to have the impellor slighly off center after cleaning. Make sure you have the plastic cover and the impellor perfectly straight when reinstalling. I always turn off my filters when doing water changes.
i never uplug the filters during waterchanges unless the intake is going to be above water.
or anything else for that matter.
it takes me only a few minutes to do a waterchange on any of my tanks.
The largest being 80g with a xp3 and a fluval 403. it takes me about 20 minutes max to do a waterchange.
unless im cleaning the actual filter.. then i will turn everything off.
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