Cleanup crew and top dweller with africans

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 17, 2013
Illinois, Chicago
I have large Africans and need some ideas for something that will clean the bottom of the tank and something that will hangout at the top. I had an adult yellow tail barracuda for a long time but can never find one large enough any ideas?
I have large Africans and need some ideas for something that will clean the bottom of the tank and something that will hangout at the top. I had an adult yellow tail barracuda for a long time but can never find one large enough any ideas?

Syno's do well with cleaning up the bottom. I have 2 Syno's & 3 Modesta Botia Loaches (that I love! They are so active!) what size tank is this? I have 2 Capidichromis Borleyi's that pretty much stay at the top of the tank, and are stunning, but grow quite large, so really need to be kept in larger tanks.
Anything you add to "clean up" is just adding more bio load to your tank. IMO get fish because you want to have them and enjoy them. Not to solve an issue or to "clean up"

Feed responsibly and maintain a good water changing schedule and you'll be fine.

Now with that said... I do have 1 synodontis, 1 feather fin and a pleco in my heavily stocked 75 gallon mixed African cichlid tank.
I have 2 syno lucipinnis in my 55g .. i can tell u mine are really active but i still do water changes n clean the sand bc the tank is still messy and my tank isnt heavily stocked i have 14 that arent fully grown yet..
That being said i really enjoy watchin them bc they r quite the busy lil eaters n they are full of surprises as they r the smallest in my tank n will snatch food from the big boss if its close ..
You could get some strong powerheads and aim them down so stuff won't settle. That way the.filter would clean it up and you can clean the filter.
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