Cleanup crew

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 28, 2017
I am starting a 30 gallon clownfish tank with a cleanup crew. 2 clowns no corals or anemones. What would be the beta cleanup crew for my setup?
That is a pretty open question. In general, one can get away without having any clean up crew as long as there is proper maintenance routine. Even with that said, I really like large turbos and nasarius snails.
How many shrimp and snails should I add at the end of the cycle. I have a 30 gallon tank with about a 2 inch sand bed.
How many shrimp and snails should I add at the end of the cycle. I have a 30 gallon tank with about a 2 inch sand bed.
I would get two snails (make sure before buying them to check and see how they reproduce) snail infestations are awful. And with shrimp It depends on what you are buying. If they're large Id do 3 or 4, small I would do 8. Some shrimps can be aggressive to where you only can keep one. Nice thing about shrimps they dont produce much waste. Check out canister filters for your sand bed. My 36 gallon never has food or waste at the bottom with canister filter and sand bed.
I do have a canister filter and live sand :3 so I should get like 2 snails (one turbo and one nassarius???) and 4 shrimp (red legged or blue legged, cleaner, peppermint???)
I’d get one skunk cleaner if you are going to do that. Peppermints suck. They do nothing but steal food and agitate corals. Completely useless shrimp imo. Turbos are massive waste producers. Nassarius are good and I’ve had decent luck with ceriths and nerites. Stay away from margaritas and astreas imo as margaritas need cooler water and astreas can’t flip themselves. As far as crabs blue legged hermits are ok but I’ve never had luck with them living more than a couple months. I agree with hank on the no cuc is the best cuc as they need restocking every few months and they still produce waste. Good maintenance goes a lot farther than any critter.
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