Clear poop, bad?

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True, it may not be needed, but they are for different things. Metro is for internal flagellates such as heximita and spironucleus as you may know. The dewormers won't to anything for them. I am very unfamiliar with fish having worms, though it did say on the food page that fenben was for roundworms and praziquantel was for flatworms, and something else. I am not sure if those active ingredients will work on flatworms and roundworms at the same time. I believe that it is flagellates or worms in the fish and the fenben flake guidelines stated that it was targeted for roundworms and that no other foods should be fed. I figured that his best bet would be to treat simultaneously for flagellates and flatworms as this appeared safe when reading the guidelines for those foods. That's how I thought it through.

Makes sense. Lets see how the fish does with the first course of treatment as we do not 100% what exactly the issue here is without a lab & microscope to ID possible culprits. Its good to have these meds on hand anyway in the event of future problems as they are not found in most lfs.
jlk said:
Makes sense. Lets see how the fish does with the first course of treatment as we do not 100% what exactly the issue here is without a lab & microscope to ID possible culprits. Its good to have these meds on hand anyway in the event of future problems as they are not found in most lfs.

True. So whats the final verdict on what i should order?
If your going to order meds, you might as well stock up. I would add the kanamycin flakes to the order (best gram-negative fish antibiotic without a script). Get both wormers & the metro. I would do course of treatment with the metro & prazi & see if this resolves the issue & then we can go from there. :)
jlk said:
If your going to order meds, you might as well stock up. I would add the kanamycin flakes to the order (best gram-negative fish antibiotic without a script). Get both wormers & the metro. I would do course of treatment with the metro & prazi & see if this resolves the issue & then we can go from there. :)

Great thanks!
I agree. Stock up on medicated foods as you never know when you will need them. Plus, pay for the shipping once and have all that you need. I like the 8 oz size personally.
bs6749 said:
I agree. Stock up on medicated foods as you never know when you will need them. Plus, pay for the shipping once and have all that you need. I like the 8 oz size personally.

I dont plan on having to treat that often;) lol. Thanks for the help guys...ill feed veggis tonight and if that doesnt help, a large order of meds!
I would choose the smaller sized amounts, personally. If you have healthy water (i know you do!), fish issues should be few & far between. These meds & foods do have expiration dates (as does any quality fish food or med)- correction here, I am assuming they do as I order similar medicated foods (but for goldfish) & they have exp dates. Anyway, good luck with your gal! :)
I tend to keep a lot of fish when I am up and running LOL. Like I said though, periodic dosing as a preventative is a good choice in my opinion. Every 3-4 months I would dose.
Hey guys! I have deshelled peas in a cup of tank water, and i just added some mashed garlic and mixed it all! Do i just toss all of it in the tank? Or just the peas?
jlk said:
I would try just some mashed peas first & see what kind of reaction you get! Let us know how this goes! :)

Well i added just the peas (which has garlic on them) and the fish went crazy. Y tetras were running around with peas stuffed in their mouths lol.

Unfortunatly, the angels have been really lazy lately:( and they didnt get any..,what do i do?!
Dont know if you can but maybe you can try using a piece of clean plastic of some sort to try & seperate the angels from everyone else long enough for them to get some peas & garlic? Or, maybe you can put everybody else in a pasta colander/stainer in the tank for a few mins to give the angels a chance to eat some? I do this when i have one fish that may need medicated food & i dont want everybody else to eat it. Just a thought! :)
jlk said:
Dont know if you can but maybe you can try using a piece of clean plastic of some sort to try & seperate the angels from everyone else long enough for them to get some peas & garlic? Or, maybe you can put everybody else in a pasta colander/stainer in the tank for a few mins to give the angels a chance to eat some? I do this when i have one fish that may need medicated food & i dont want everybody else to eat it. Just a thought! :)

I will try again tonight if they have perked up:)

It confused me because the angels eat savagely...they are always the first ones to the food!
If veggies are something new, it may take them awhile before they are interested in trying them especially if they are well fed. You could always try fasting them for a day before trying the veggies again & see if this makes any difference. :)
jlk said:
If veggies are something new, it may take them awhile before they are interested in trying them especially if they are well fed. You could always try fasting them for a day before trying the veggies again & see if this makes any difference. :)

Veggies are very new to them! But those dang tetras gobbled them up hahah!

They didnt eat yesterday...:/
Ok! Give them a chance to try the veggies then- it may actually take a few days before they try eating some. You can leave some mashed up peas in container in fridge soaking in garlic juice for future use. They will stay fresh for almost a week. You could also try some plain peas (no garlic), too. Good luck! :)
jlk said:
Ok! Give them a chance to try the veggies then- it may actually take a few days before they try eating some. You can leave some mashed up peas in container in fridge soaking in garlic juice for future use. They will stay fresh for almost a week. You could also try some plain peas (no garlic), too. Good luck! :)

Thanks so much! Ill try again!
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