Cloudy Again

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 11, 2005
About 3 days ago I got my first tank, and after filling it with water it was cloudy. Thanks to the help from people on this board I realized this was normal and through filtering and adding AquaPlus it cleared up perfectly. Then yesterday I put my first fish into the tank (4 minnows) and everything seemed fine. I woke up this morning and the water is a little cloudy again (grayish, maybe whiteish), and it looks like it did when I but water in the tank the first day (maybe a little less now). What's going on? The fish seem happy, but the cloudiness concerns me a bit. Does it have anything to do with the fact I added fish to the water and their food (little gold fish flakes they're eating)?
Since you are cycling with fish, you will have to test your water parameters and do water changes regularily, possibly daily. The addition of fish and their food will cause your ammonia to rise. Don't vaccumm the gravel though. The regular water changes will help keep your water clear, although it is not un-natural for the water to be cloudy on new tanks for the first while.
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