Cloudy water help

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 8, 2014
Hello, does anyone know the best way to get rid of cloudy water? I just did a WC and the cloudiness went down, but I'm sure it will be back. Any suggestions?

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Is it white, like someone poured milk into the tank? Or composed of small bubbles? Or tinted green? Or brown? Or composed of a lot of small brownish particles?

It could be a number if things without details its hard to help. Water changes almost never hurt so keep those up.
It is more of a milky color. translucent.

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Its a newly cycled tank that just finished cycling yesterday. I am planning on putting fish in it on Tuesday. Should I wait till the bloom is gone?

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Bacterial blooms always come up when starting a new tank. Like fishperson said, they will go away by themselves but water changes will help it go away faster. It will not harm fish but I usually just wait till it goes away so that when I put the fish in I can see them.
Ok thanks

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Ok thanks

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If you stick some activated carbon in your filtration system somewhere, it would help with the cloudiness, otherwise you'll just have to wait a few days.

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You really don't want it to go away, you want them to settle and adhere to the surfaces in your tank. don't bother with a water change as it is counter-productive at this point.
Just leaving it alone for a few days is the best/wisest course of action.
You really don't want it to go away, you want them to settle and adhere to the surfaces in your tank. don't bother with a water change as it is counter-productive at this point.
Just leaving it alone for a few days is the best/wisest course of action.

Makes sense. Are you saying the BB that cause the bloom also make up the bio film on the side of the tank?
Considering it's a new set-up, let it settle. If it were an established, stocked tank, then you would need to try to remove it a bit for the sake of the fish as it can make respiration harder as it can muck up in their gills.
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