cloudy water

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 31, 2010
Worton on the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Yesterday I did a 20% saltwater change while vacuuming my substrate. All seemed well and good and today I was upset to see how murky/cloudy the water is. I did another smaller water change using distilled water and it didn't help. Is this part of the cycling of a new tank. I'm about eight weeks in. I remember I did have moments of cloudy water when I cycled the 10 gal freshwater tank. I've turned off the light thinking the cloudy water may be the result of a bacteria bloom. Should I simply leave it alone or can someone recommend a remedy? Help :confused:
Moved this to the General SW reef aquaria forum. This is the welcome wagon here. Good luck on your tank.
Can you give me a little more information on your tank? What are your readings? Nitrate Nitrite PH ammonia SG? What kind of flow and filtration do you have on your system?
What is miracle mud?

A mineralized substrate. And Crushed coral notoriously releases tiny particulate. I had cc in my mbuna tank and it would never stop releasing dust when I disrupted it and I rinsed it for at least an hour.
Please post your water parameter readings as Ziggy suggested.
It might be a bacterial bloom from the nutrients stirred up from vaccumng. That wil die off and disappear in a few days.
Thanks Crepe. If this is an ongoing problem do you have any idea of what I could use to replace the CC substrate? I have only one fish right now, Foxface, who seems happy in the aquarium by his/her self. This would be the time to change the substrate before I add more fish. Thanks again.
Thank you cmor. With a CC substrate will I have this problem everytime I vacuum and if so, what could I use to take its place?

There was a really good post about this awhile back. Someone suggested that you could scoop out about 1/4 of the CC and replace it with aragonite sand (rinsed really good). Wait a week (so the good bacteria can seed the sand) and do it to another 1/4 of your CC. I was contemplating doing this because I have CC, but I vacummed today and had no cloudiness at all.

And before you ask how they got the sand to go to the spot you scooped out, there was a pic of a gallon milk jug, cut half-way and taped to some PVC pipe. Then they would place the sand in the milk jug and it would go down the PVC to whatever spot they chose. A very inexpensive but very reliable way of doing it !!

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