Cloudy water!!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 28, 2011
The water in my big tank keeps going cloudy, im doing a pwc every day, and once a week i have to clean the whole tank out cause my fish are nearly dead. Im pretty sure i know whats causing it, i need a bigger tank, my fish have all out grown the tank i have and are producing to much waist. Im nearly finished paying for my new one, but in the mean time how do i stop it? Or atleast slow it down so that i dont have to pull my whole tank apart once a week. Thanks
Also, are you doing weekly water changes to maintain the tank given that it is overstocked? and how much do you change?

Is the cloudiness white such as with bacterial bloom, or is it brown or green cloudy. These all mean different things and have to be addressed differently.
Im not sure how many gal but its 350L stock is, 2 lombardoi 3-4", 2 electric yellows 4-5", 4 silver dollars i beleive they are adults bout 6", 1 venustus 6", 3 adult convicts, 1 troph 5" 1 cuckoo catfish, 1 large angelfish 5", 1 blue acara 4 1/2" 1 geophagus brasiliensis 6", 1 random striped fish 5-6" and one little random yellow fish 3". The yellow one and striped one we got given to us, so i have no idea what they are
I change 80L every day, and once a week i have to get all my buckets, catch my fish, change all the water, rinse the substrate and the decore to remove the build up of waist stuck to the ornaments, i dont like doing it cause it stresses my fish out but i asked the man at my lfs and he didnt know what to do. And the cloud starts off grey but after maybey 3-4 hrs it starts going a greenish brown, like a small creek. And i dont pull the filter apart, i rinse the sponge and case in the water i take out of my tank and thats it.
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