Clown Loaches question....

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 25, 2003
Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Ok so I have 4 clown loaches, all of which are doing great and are healthy. One of them is huge, like the boss of the group, two are medium in comparison and one is still small. The runt, or small one ( hey just thought of a new name for him 'the runt' ) is really little compared to the rest, but looks really healthy and eats. Any ideas on why this would be? Is this normal for clown loaches when in a group and you clearly have one dominate one?
When you bought them were they all the same size? Clown loaches grow very slowly.

Runt is a great name! :D Fish spawns are generally huge numbers. Some of the fish IMO are genetically predisposed to certain problems. Runts might be one of the more common. Often a runt (at least with discus), will survive to ripe old age.

As for my clown loaches, I have 3 and it's hard for me to tell them apart. They are very social and seem to love playing and chasing each other. I couldn't really say if one was dominant.
I think with all shoals of fish there is almost always a dominant fish. For example, i now know my dominant b. modesta as he/she is the biggest of the bunch, brightest colors and this is the fish that starts the pecking order when food reaches them. This fish will literally beat the other loaches up if they even start to go for food if he hasn't had a sampling or started eating first. Quite comical
I have 2 Clowns in my 30 Gal, because i had to drive 4 hours just to get 2!, and i have not noticed any dominance...However i have noticed they love to pick on barbs, and ride in the air bubbles..other than that...they are like lil kids hard at play.
If you the believe the runt one is eating fine and acts healthy I wouldn't worry much.

I believe you would seem dominance. If you see anyone is grave danger...I'd help one out by placing it in QT tank.

Good luck!!

Kane- Do you have a grow out tank for your clowns? As far as I have read they should be in nothing less than 55 gallons.
i have 2 projects up and coming, . 1st would be a 30g heavy planted for small schooling fish,.. probably tetras or barbs.
2nd a 55-75g, depending on my mood at that time, for a larger group of clowns and probably gourami's and angels,. but not quit sure yet.
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