Clownfish with Popeye

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 7, 2004
Long Island, New York
Hi all,

I have a Clown that clearly has Popeye in one eye. Please see my specs in my signature.

Since this is such a large setup I am thinking that he will recover on his own. He is able to eat and is not being harrased by tankmates.

My water parameters are all ideal.

What do you all think about this?

Pete R.
I had this happen a while back. The advice I received on this forum was that it was probably due to an injury and that if his help was ok and if he was eating, just wait it out. Sure enough, within a couple of weeks the swelling was down and he was back to his happy clown self.

Best of luck,
True for the most part but be sure you do what you can to reduce DOC in the main tank. Not sure how with such a large system but you need several water changes over the next week or so. If the DOC is in any real number and not reduced, the problem will progress.

Has the swelling shown any sign of abating yet, the same or worse?

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