Popeye in Gourami not healing

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 19, 2023

In my 50 gallon, I had an outbreak of ich which I treated with a mixture of Ich Guard (tetra brand). That seemed to clear up the ich. It looks like an ich spot on the eye itself caused the Popeye. The Popeye is not recovering, the white spot has gotten bigger and is protruding from the eye. Any ideas on what that might be? Different kind of parasite maybe? Maybe bacterial infection? Gourami in hospital tank now. Dosed again with ich meds but no improvement and he's losing appetite now, not as vigorous.

1~ Gourami has unilateral popeye, large white spot sticking out.
2~ (ammonia - 0, nitrites - 0 , nitrates 5ppm, temp - 78F, pH 6.8)
3~ 50 gallon, three months old
4~ Fluval 407 Canister Filter GPH: 383
5~ 2 Dwarf Gourami, 2 mollies, 4 guppies, 10 cardinal tetra, 5 Kuhli loaches, 2 mystery snails. Gourami are 2 inches, mollies 2 inches, guppies less than 1 inch, cardinal tetra about 1 inch each, Kuhlis are around 1.5 inches long (quite young)
6~ 50% water change and gravel/sand vacuumed two days ago. Water change every two weeks 25%. Gravel cleaned once every three weeks.
7~All fish have been in tank for two months, except for two of the guppies which caused the outbreak of ich. New from a week ago
8~Tank is heavily planted, led full spectrum lights, high tannin level in water from driftwood.
9~ Fish are fed twice daily, mornings they get Fluval high protein bug bites/Fluval colour enhancing flakes, evenings they get brine shrimp and some live moina and copepods. Moina and copepods are bred by me at home. Three cultures going.

It's not white spot.

I need better pictures showing the fish from both sides and the front.

It could be a parasitic worm that got lost and is now in the eye. There's not normally any treatment for that and the worm usually lives in that spot until it or the fish dies. However, it might pop out of the eye and the fish will go blind in that eye.
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