Color charts for TetraTest Kit

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 4, 2004
Columbus Ohio
Does anyone happen to have any color cards for the TetraTest test kits scanned (all) or know a site where I can get them. Mine were "accidentaly" thrown away with trash by my roommate
All I can say is good luck dhs. I lost a lot of the ones for the kit I use at WalMart. If you want, I can try and take a digital pic of the ones I do have, and see if you could use that, or scan them with the scanner....not sure if that would work though.

I use the Tetra Laborett kit. Let me know if you want me to, and I can bring them home from work. Or if you find a place, let me know too! :wink:
Color matching with digital images is tough. If you scan or photograph a chart, then email it to someone else to print, the colors will almost certainly not look like the originals, and this can be enough to throw off your assessment.

Do what overstocker says, and check your lfs.
Just to let you all know, so that you may sleep tonight without worrying about my color charts, :roll: I have contacted Tetra by phone, and they are sending me the cards at no charge! Thanks all!
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