columnaris.. please help!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 16, 2009
a housemates guppy in a bowl had heaps of babies today so i made a makeshift container to put in my tank to put them in.. so i did that and its all good.. but a few hours after that i looked at the mother and she is dying and its defiantly columnaris.. and its killing her so fast! i've medicated her with what i have here (bacterial infection stuff and a multi sure thing with malachite green). But im certain she wont make it. But what do i do now that i have her fry in my tank??? :( .. do you think her fry will contaminate my tank? i read that columnaris is very very contagious especially to catfish, livebearers and lybrith organ fish.... my whole stock is all of these!.. 3 cory cats, 1 betta and a random baby molly. I'm not home for most of tomorrow and im worried if they catch this it will kill my fish as fast as it killed the guppy.

any help will be really appreciated.. im just so worried about my fish :([FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
I would suspect that moving the frys to your tank would have cross contaminated it. Although columnaris is opportunistic and healthy fish can fight it off. If it is killing the fish fast in the other tank, I would tend towards treating your tank just in case.

<In the future, always QT new fish. The frys would have done just as well in a clean bucket for a few days.>
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