Common goldfish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 17, 2017
Can a goldfish be in a tank with no sand or gravel at the bottom? And if he's already in a tank too small should I take most of the fake plants out to give more room and make it easier to clean?
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I would. Depends on how hardy the fish.

I do that with a betta tank and have it bare glass or just a slight gravel cover. And plants or ornaments are all ones easy to pull out / put back in.

I do just about 100% water changes on the betta but I put him in a little container set aside, add back water to tank (temp matched), etc and then re-acclimatize him. That way he is not getting water poured near him on filling back up and I don't need to be as careful as basically cleaning an empty tank (except for snails) while he watches on. Test ammonia though. Clean too well and the bacteria population have to catch up.

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