Common/Goldspot/Sailfin or what?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 30, 2011
What am I?

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I don't know but I'd be interested to know seeing as mine is just about identical to yours. Your plecos coloring is a little more pronounced but still. Guess that didn't help you sorry!
In my opinion I would have to say gold spot, the fin is not big enough to be a sail fin and also it doesn't look like a thing close to being a common. I attached a picture of mine so you could see what my sail fin looks like.
Yea I'm actually gonna vote against gold spot. Heres two photos of them, one as a juvenile (mine) and the other was close to a foot long at a LFS.


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absolutangel04 said:
Ah, I didn't realize they had those gold fin edges.

Haha no worries. If it weren't for the fact that I had one, I probably wouldn't have known either.

That said, I still don't really know what kind of pleco that is lol.
The two yellow ones are an L018 (first) and an L014 (second).

Snow Kings could possibly have white.

Sailfins have less rays (lines on the top fin)I think they have 8. His has more than ten.
I tried.... :-( it's cool no matter what.

I know! I am just trying to help. An idea is better than nothing though! I just put ther second post for everyone's information
I know a lot of useless pleco info lol
User said:
I am almost 100% positive that is an L001 Pleco. Therefore it is none of the names given. It has no common name other than L002 or L022

I would have to agree that it is either an L001 or L022 but definitely not an L002.

There is an almost exact photo of an L001/L022 on within their Cat-eLog.

Thanks User. At least I now have a good idea of it's origins etc.

No problem. Glad I could help. Nice pleco btw! I havent seen one of those before
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