company for fantail?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 10, 2005
At my son's school there is a 20 gal tank with 1 fantail in there. What would be good company for him?
It should be an interesting mix for elementary school kids, but also not higher maintenance.
The only thing that goes well with a goldfish is another goldfish. Some may argue that 20 gallons is only enough for one goldie while others say that each fish should have atleast 10 gallons. If you do regular water changes you should be fine with adding another type of ornamental goldfish (the egg ones) Personally, Id get a black moore for contrast.
I am not sure I'll add a pleco to a 20 gal, esp. with a gold ... definitely not a common, & even the drawf varieties may gets too large.

A second fantail is a safe bet. You might also consider white clouds. A small school of white clouds will add contrast & a lot of movement. However, be aware that a big fantail will consider small white clouds a tasty snack! So only do this if the fantail is small & you have some hiding place for the little fish.

An apple snail is also compatible in a goldfish tank .... some kids may find that kinda neat.
How many white clouds would be o.k. How do you measure the size of a fish? Mouth to beginning of tail? The fantail is quite small, considering the size of a tank and has been there for quite some time.
What are the conditions for white clouds? Movement is definitly a good idea for the kids.
When we talk about fish size, it's the length minus the tail. In this case, the critical measurement is not body size, but mouth size! Fantails will eat anything that will fit into their mouths. A 3" goldie will have a mouth big enough to swallow a 1/2" white cloud. If you are interested in keeping WC with the fantail, try to find some bigger ones. <My lfs usu. have 1/4 - 1/2" babies, I would wait till they are at least an inch before putting them into a goldy tank.>

WC will do quite well in typical goldy water & temp, & eats same food. I'd start with a school of 8 or 10, & have lots of plants & a cave or 2 for them to hide in.

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