Concept for a new tank.. Opinions?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 3, 2003
Florida, USA
I've been considering putting one of my 10gal tanks back into use.

I've been considering setting up the 10gal with Tahitian Moon sand, Black & White Silk Plants as decorations.

My concept for the stocking would be 4 or 5 Black Skirt Tetra's, and a nice vibrant Red Male Betta.

I've been kind of tossed up, I want to do the Black Skirts, but I've been considering the Neon Tetra's as well [ if I could get them to stay alive, bloody things die if you look at them wrong.. o_O ]

I'm figuring that the Neons will do better than the Skirts, because of the fact that they are smaller, and do not have the longer fins of the Skirts.

Which would minimize the Betta's Aggressiveness towards them.

I was just wanting to get opinions on this.. Stocking ok? And opinions on weither to go for the Black Skirts or Neons.
They way the Black Skirt Tetras jet around sometimes, I would go with the neon tetras.

Or how about some glo-light tetras? I'm thinking that orange against the black plants(or maybe some black sand) might look cool.

Have fun deciding. 8)
Now that would be a cool tank - the starkness of it would nicely contrast the betta, who would also provide a splash of color! I've seen black, white, and silvery silk plants. Some resin 'marble' columns might look good too.

I would think that nippiness could go both ways between the betta and the tetras. I guess for that reason, neons or cardinals might be preferable. BrianNY has a beautiful school of black neons (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi). These might look nice in this tank too. They have short fins and don't get as big as the blackskirts.
hmmm..... neons die pretty easy imo. id be ready to move them if they get attacked. because if it attacks one its either a runt/sick or it'll attack them all. but im pretty sure they'll be okay, just caution. and ive seen skirts get pretty big. imo 2-3x the size of the neons
I have kept white clouds with a betta with great success, and serpae tetras would show up very well against the black sand. Harlequin rasboras, maybe?

Black skirts should work fine, or black phantoms, too, since the females have a bit of red in them.
You guys really think neons die easily? I have neons that have lived forever.

I like the idea for a betta and glow-light tetras. They are very nice. Maybe you could mix neons and glow-lights, thats what I have.
Just an observation...I noticed that betta react strongly to bright colors, like if I'm wearing a red shirt and pass a betta display they will flare their fins. Is this because of the bright color or the huge red flag waving in front of its face?

The reason I bring this up is--if it is the color the betta is reacting to, won't neons or cardinals be a bad match?
cheezysquirrelz said:
You guys really think neons die easily? I have neons that have lived forever.

I like the idea for a betta and glow-light tetras. They are very nice. Maybe you could mix neons and glow-lights, thats what I have.

You probably have a stronger genetic pool of neons in your neck of the woods.

Down here in Florida, Neons die if you look at them wrong.

If I go for them again, I'm going to resort to a drip aclimation over 3 hours and keep the lights out for 40+ hours to keep them from stressing over there new home.
Just an experience to share.... I had a group of 5 Glo-lites that nipped the heck out of my Betta in a 10 gallon tank. Had to move the glo lites to another tank. :(

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