concerned about angelfish fry

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 30, 2011
Freeburg Il.
I moved my breeding pair of angelfish from my 65 Gal. to a 20 Gal. so they could breed without concern of other fish eating the fry. They did spawn and the fry have been free swimming for about two weeks. Tonight, to my surprise, they are spawning again and now I am concerned they might eat the fry to protect their eggs.
They have been great parents till now so I don't know if their is a need for concern, but don't want to go to bed tonight just to wake and all my little babies be gone.
Thanks to anyone who can give a little advice I've been watching parents for hours and so far everything has been ok, but they haven't laid the eggs yet they are only cleaning the site.:confused:
they might eat them , you could put a divider in the tank or remove the parents and raise the eggs yourself
or move the fry to a small tank , it is easiest to feed them that way
I read online that when the fry are about two weeks old the parents will spawn again so their fry can feed off of the eggs, that was only on one website all the others said they wouldn't until the fry was raised or out of tank. Has anyone experienced them spawning with young fry in tank? The fry lived overnight and parents still haven't laid the eggs but are still cleaning site.
Unfortunately, it does happen that parents will kill off previous spawns when ready to spawn again. It takes a large tank so that older fry can get away from their parents to have continual success with successive spawns. Truthfully, there is no reason to keep fry with their parents if they are put in a tank by themselves. After hatching, the only purpose for the parents is for protection from other fish. The fry can live quite well on their own.
The link below is to a thread all about breeding and raising Angelfish. It's an ongoing discussion by both professional and hobbyist breeders. Just about everything you need to know about breeding and raising them has been discussed in this thread. It may help answer your questions.

Hope this helps. (y)
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