Convict Cichlid Gasping

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 17, 2013
One of my Convict Cichlids has been gasping for a couple of days now and I'm starting to think there is something wrong with it. It usually swims around a lot but it doesn't really move at all now other than for food.

Convict Cichlid - YouTube

Water testing shows perfect water...
pH: 7.6
Ammonia: <0.05
Nitrite: <0.01
Nitrate: <0.5
Phosphate: <0.05
Oxygen: >10

Any ideas?
One of my Convict Cichlids has been gasping for a couple of days now and I'm starting to think there is something wrong with it. It usually swims around a lot but it doesn't really move at all now other than for food.

Convict Cichlid - YouTube

Water testing shows perfect water...
pH: 7.6
Ammonia: <0.05
Nitrite: <0.01
Nitrate: <0.5
Phosphate: <0.05
Oxygen: >10

Any ideas?

Those readings are far from perfect!!!!!Your ammo and trite levels are too high. These should read zero for both! Large water changes are needed and do it quickly. These are both very toxic to fish. Has this tank been properly cycled?
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Ammonia: <0.05
Nitrite: <0.01

That Would be my guess what the problem is. This tells me either A your tank is not full cycled/going through a mini cycle or B there is to much waste built up in the system.

I would clean out the sponges in your filters and preform a 50% water change.
Welcome to AA!

The above advice is solid to start. I'd like to also point out the fish looks like a Crytoheros sajica(great looking big male too) rather than a Amatitlania nigrofasciata.
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I did say the Ammonia reading is LESS than 0.05, and the Nitrite is LESS than 0.01. These are the minimum readings on my JBL testing kit. My API testing kit shows 0, but then again the minimum reading is 0.25 which is useless. Please note they are 0.05 / 0.01, and not 0.5 / 0.1, which according to JBL these readings are perfect. Plus, virtually all the material I have read online indicate that my water readings are good.

The tank has been fully cycled for several months now with 2 separate filters. Inside the canister is spotless. I usually clean the gravel at least once a week which changes about 20% of the water.

If there was a problem with my water, all the fish would be affected, not just one.
It looks more like stress potentially from tankmates than water parameters, what size tank and what is the stock list?
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This male Cichlid is usually the leader of the tank in terms of the tank's hierarchy, so it's not being bullied by others. The tank is 125L and hosts 4 Convict Cichlids & 2 Small Gold Angels.
This male Cichlid is usually the leader of the tank in terms of the tank's hierarchy, so it's not being bullied by others. The tank is 125L and hosts 4 Convict Cichlids & 2 Small Gold Angels.

125L is roughly 33 US gallon and is pretty small for all those fish, so my guess is stress as well. After watching they video I agree with Hukit those look like Crytoheros sajica not convicts.
I don't usually monitor the water temperature but it is currently reading 21C on my cheap & nasty Chinese digital thermometer. The water should be more around 25-27C right?

Also having looked up Cichlasoma Sajica, I would agree this is what I have.
I don't usually monitor the water temperature but it is currently reading 21C on my cheap & nasty Chinese digital thermometer. The water should be more around 25-27C right?

21 is pretty low, 24-25 would be the lowest range I go. All my fish are kept at 24c.

Also they aren't in Cichlasoma any more they are Crytoheros for now.
The heater was actually set on 25C and I've just turned it up to 27C but it still hasn't come on yet. Either the cheap digital thermometer is rubbish or the Fluval heater is.

I actually have a brand new JBL PropTemp 300W which I keep as a spare. Would it be better to use this? I know 300W is a little big for my tank but more is less right? What do you think?
After several minutes of technical diagnosis, I have finally located the problem. The heater was turned off at the wall :(
Now the heater is working again, is it okay for the water to go from 21C straight to 27C?
Rapid heavy breathing is more likely when the temp. Is too high? Right? Or would low temp also effect there breathing.
The water temperature is up to around 24C today and although my Cichlid is swimming around a lot more, it is still gasping. All my other Cichlids are okay. I have taken another video which is a little clearer.

For the last 2 weeks I have been feeding my fish frozen food. I noticed on my smaller tank when the filter was switched off for cleaning, these is a heavy oil build up on the surface. This is definitely coming from the blocks of frozen food as I can see the oil coming off them. Is this oil normal, and is it likely to cause any problems for my tank and/or fish?
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