Convict Cichlid tank mates

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 25, 2020
I've always liked convict cichlids and decided I wanted to get one in a 29 gallon (biggest size and weight I'd put on my storage rack without worrying about it breaking. It probably could hold more but I'm playing it safe). I know they're more agg when breeding, so I'm planning on getting ONE single convict, and was wondering what would be suitable tankmates. Would small-midium size plecos like Bristlenose or rubberlip be ok? Or would the convict stress/hurt/kill them? Any other suggestions?
A solo Convict, especially a female one shouldn't pose any unusual problems towards appropriately sized fish.
"Adult" Swordtails, Buenos Aires Tetras, Columbian Tetras, Diamonds, Bleeding Hearts, Giant Danios, Tiger Barbs as well as YoYo Botias and smaller Plecos all have the potential to coexist.
I keep lots of cichlids, including many convicts. When older, grown, oz for oz, they are one of the most boisterous and territorial cichlids out there. They will def terrorize dwarf cichlids, like rams, to death, if not just outright kill them. I don't find the females to be much more passive. If it was a 15" fish, it'd be the tops on eve's most aggressive list I'm sure
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