corner filter advice

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 25, 2013
Hi All,

I know that this might not be the ideal filter, I only have a small 30L tank but I will see how I mange with it before replacing for a HOB or something else. Just a few questions:

1) Can I add biomedia at the bottom, and place floss on top? (I have decided not to add charcoal at this stage)

2) The thicker outlet pipe creates quite big bubbles that disrupts the water quite a lot and is a bit noisy, do you think I can add an airtsone to that pipe directly in order to create smaller bubbles?

3) This question seems stupid but how full should my tank be? Its filled to about 7 cm from top but theres a lot of condensation on the glass that doesn't look very nice.

Thinking about getting one or 2 live plants this weekend. And still in search of ammonia :) :fish2:
1) I'm not sure how your corner filter functions, but make sure the floss is the first media type that the water passes through when going through the filter. If that's sorted then yes, your filter set up is fine :)

2) I'm not sure why your outlet is creating bubbles if its completely submerged. Let it run for a while to discharge all air from the filter and it should be fine

3) fill it up as high as you can without there being a chance of spillage (2cm from the top is probably fine)
Thanks Jtez,
My corner filter has 2 tubes running through it, one which is connected to air pump, and a slightly thicker one which produces bubbles. I think that's what its supposed to do but would love it if the bubbles were smaller, that's why I thought of attaching an airstone
This is the kind of corner filter that is meant here:


The air creates a current of water through the filter media by the stream of bubbles displacing water.
Oh right, similar to a sponge filter.

I don't see a problem with trying an air stone, but you might lose water flow by slowing the filtration down. Hopefully, not to the point where you lose water current..

I'd also guess that a larger airstone would work better to try and combat that.

Either way, it's an experiment that will only cost you a few dollars :)
I have a similar type of filter on my fry tanks and i attached some tubing to the outlet to make it closer to the surface reduced noise and still had the same current, because the bubbles have less water to go through its not as noisy and dosent disrupt things as much.
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