cory barbels

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 31, 2020
my cories barbels have gone floppy and they have a white fuzz on them also his top fin is looking pinkish and a bit torn up it looks like one of his barbels has snapped off half way too but this one has no white on it could it be a new one growing? will he be okay the tank readings are 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 5-10 nitrate, what i mean by floppy is that he no longer holds them out they just press against his body when he swims like he can’t move them anymore while swimming
it’s just one cory in a school of 6 none of the others are showing this at all i haven’t had 4 of them for long and he always looked a bit strange
he’s also eating and also mating totally normal i think i might just of panicked a bit too quickly he doesn’t actually look too bad but you never know so i’ll keep the post up the too outer barbels look fine one looks like it’s just growing back it’s the two middle ones that look worse and floppy and his fin isn’t that bad if it doesn’t heal up and stay healed i’ll try figure that out next it just looks like he’s been nipped but it might have been a one time thing cause none of my others have it i’ll keep a close eye
i was just about to mention this because looking closer (he finally stayed still) his middle two barbs look torn not like white fuzz like they have gone stringy, but my substrate is sand
Sand should be ok. Its been commonly thought that damaged barbels was generally caused by gravel especiallyif it has sharp edges. I think this has largely been debunked and the thought now is poor water conditions. Corys are prone to issues in high nitrate. I dont think that is the issue with you though.

I still think if the substrate has sharp edges it can cause issues, and that can include some sands i suppose.

I would just keep an eyes on things, maybe do a few extra water changes to ensure your water is good and clean.
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