Cory flashing

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 15, 2009
i added 4 clown loaches last week, after a day or two they had ich, i treated by upping the temp to 86 and adding table salt. A couple days past and their spots dissapeared, i have been doing water changes and gravel vacs every other day, its now been 3 days since i seen any spots, my temp is still at 86, but i have now noticed my bronze cory flashing, rubbing side ways against decor and gravel, could this be ich? he dont have any spots, my water parameters are spot on, o ammonia and nitrite, 10 nitrate, what should i do?
I would keep a close eye on them and keep the temps up for another week or so. You might want to consider adding an air bubbler since the tank is hotter.
sorry, i forgot to say i added a bubbler, could it be a sign the cory is getting ich?
Cory cats aren't real tolerent of salt. That may be your problem. When I treat my cory or invert tanks, I have to be wary of what I use.
I would stop the salt treatment if you haven't already. Keep the temp up for another 3 days and on that final day do a serious gravel vac and 70% change and you should be sittin perfect. Just about all my fish in all my tanks will scratch, bounce or whatever you wanna call it off the gravel, decor just about anything. Its not real constant but they'll do it a little and go on with their day. I've had fish doin it for over a year now and they're still truckin.
thanks, looks like the cory was just having fun. stopped adding salt, gonna drop temp slowly tomorrow, what about 82 for clown loaches, i hear its good for their metabolism?
Haha yea, cories can be hard to diganose, they are crazy. I have 5 skunk cories amd sometime I dont know what is up with them! Keep in mind that salt isnt good for cories.

I've read in a reputable mag that corys not taking salt well is a myth. Dude did a lot of experiments with diffrent salt amounts ended up using quite a bit and corys were cool. Salt seems to be a hot button issue in our hobbie. I was using 1/2 tablespoon to 5 gallons fer a while but have since been convinced its no use or not nessessary to use all the time. so maybe I'll add it less often. Have snails and corys both tollerate that amount of salt quite well
Are you talking about the article in this month's Aquarium Fish International? I was reading that too and thought about this thread. The author said he had up to two teaspoons of salt per gallon with no ill effects. He went on to say that his wholesaler did some experiments with much higher levels of salt and saw no ill effects either. They did conclude the article by saying that cories will still do better in the long run with no salt.
yep but If I recall that article correctly he did experiment and might be in tropical fish hobbyist but it concluded that at the most half the regular dose was safe for corydoras. I just treated for this because we had something come in on some food or plants we got and infected one of my gold discus.
the tetras and corydoras got a 1/2 tsp per 10g while the heat went to 86 and the discus have been at 90 degrees for 2 weeks then back down to 86 degrees. If the fish can handle it, the heat worked much more efficiently then salt did.

However if you already precondition with a little bit of salt the corydoras can develop a tolerance
I read that cory sensitivity to salt depends on the species. Did this report mention any peticular cory?

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