Corydoras Ich or Fungus

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 29, 2018
Hey, everyone. I'm sad to report that one of my cories is ill, but I'm hoping to get some guidance on treatment.

I have 5 corydoras aeneus that I got on the 22nd, so a little under a week ago. I got 3 from Petco and 2 from Petsmart. They went into a 10 gallon QT tank as I assumed I would have issues from these sources.

The QT tank is bare bottom with a double sponge filter. Did a float acclimation for an hour, then a drip acclimation for another hour. Using Imagitarium Ammonia Remover & Dechlorinator. I have done 2 water changes before today as I was having ammonia issues.

Feeding one sinking wafer every 12 hours and a small pinch of micro pellets. Both Hikari.

Readings before WC today:
Ammonia .25
Nitrite ~.50
Nitrate ~5
Temp 76
pH 7.6

Today, the smallest of the Petco cories has developed a spot on his head. It is white, fuzzy and round. I don't see any spots on other fish or anywhere else on his body. Since cories are scaleless and it's early on, I can't tell if it's fungus or ich. It's definitely a protruding lump, not flat. He is less active than the others and always has been. He is not itching, but seems to be gulping more air than the others. He is also doing this weird thing wher ehe come sup for air, then just swims in tight circles with his head just at the surface. Otherwise, he mostly just sits at the bottom of the tank.

I went out and bought aquarium salt and Tetra Lifeguard. I'm not sure if the latter is safe with corydoras.

I have a heater in my main tank that is currently empty, but I'd really rather not use it in the QT tank. My other fish are shipping in by Friday and will be going directly into the main tank. They probably won't need the heater for another few weeks as it's warm down here in Texas, but I'm concerned about contaminating the heater. It's too high of a wattage to even be practical for the QT tank, anyway. I would not be able to acquire a separate heater for the QT for a minimum of 3 days.

I did a 50% water change and put in 2 tablespoons of salt with warmer water. The temp of the tank is usually about 76. I brought it up to a little over 80 with a slow WC.

Should I assume that salt and Lifeguard should not be used in tandem? Which is better in this situation?

Edit: It just dawned on me that it could also be columnaris, which would really ruin my day. The frustrating thing about this is heat is good for ich, BAD for columnaris. Not sure that Lifeguard would do anything for columnaris. As nitrofurazone is invert safe, would it also be the wiser option for cories?
Columnaris regretfully confirmed. The affected cory's condition rapidly declined and he was euthanized. Any tips for keeping the others from developing infection?

I know to keep the temps low, keep it salted and do 25% water changes daily. Anything else?
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