Cost of SW aquarium?

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Ah, Fishfreek, u are right, it was Billyz who said that. Sorry for the misquote. And you are right, let us just put it to bed, I am sorry to rile everyones feathers. On to the topic!

Thank you for clarifying - I know I am totally new to this board - but it is nice to know you were not attacking me. I had a hard time setting up my tank - and I got all kinds of advice on what and what not to do. There is so much conflicting advice out there. I think anyone setting up a sw tank needs to understand that you are correct, it takes PATIENCE - also - it is a process of trial and error!!! That's what makes tanks so wonderful!!! I'm still learning - I don't know much - but I want to learn as much as possible!!!

Take care,
I didn't realize this was going to be as controversial as it turned out to be. Really I just wanted to know if my list was realistic and complete as well as the rules of thumb to size these items by:

55 gal tank,
salt mix,
test kit (I don't know what I should be testing for though),
protein skimmer (I don't know how to size this),
argonite sand (4 inches),
60 lb dry rock (what type: old coral, lava rock?)
40 lb LR (do I add this before or after I cycle the tank?)
lights (I don't know what kind: assume it depends on critters)
filter (again, don't know the requirements)
550 gph power heads (minimum of 3?)

test kits:
- FO tank:Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, PH
- Reef tank: Calcium, Magnesium, Alkalinity, (some will say Iodine as well)
- (why do i feel like i missed something?)

Protien skimmer: size is basically based on the GPH of the recommended pump. You'll want one that has a GPH of about 2-3 times your tank size. (is that right folks?) anyway, most skimmers have a "for tanks up to" rating on them.

Dry Rock: old coral, you can find decent priced "base rock" online in lots of places.

Live rock: add the dry rock and live rock before the cycle, as it will actualy start the cycle for you.

lights: your right, depends on what you want. FO tanks only need lights to please you really, type doesn't matter so much for fish. For reef tanks thats when it gets really subjective based on what you're plan on housing. Do extensive reasearch here before purchasing as lights are big $$$.

Filter, if you're going to have a DSB and LR + skimmer, there's no real need for a filter.

for powerheads you're usualy looking for 10 times you tank size in water turnover per hour. so You're looking for about 550 GPH total. but I would reccomend not providing this with a single powerhead as you want to be sure water is moving all over your tank. (no dead spots) Personaly, I would go with 3 PHs of about 200 GPH each.

Ah, I feel better now.

Anyway, i want to give a breakdown of how my tank set up.

55 gallon w/stand and canopy: $227 (On sale at PetSuppliesPlus)
Skilter 400 $54
2 Powerheads $55
Whisper 40 PF $27
2 heaters 100W $20
New bulbs for canopy $46
40 lbs Live Sand $46 (I didn't know about playsand)
20 lbs black marine sand $8
45 lbs baserock (LFS) $45
25 lbs LR $60
Test Kit (Aquarium Phar) $26
New Skimmer (courtesy LFS) $FREE
Last night at LFS
1 Bi-color Blenny, 6 Green Chromis $65
Net, Food
25 Hermits, 2 red crabs, 1 emerald crab $41
Stress Zyme (great stuff) $10
Patience $priceless

Haha. Anyway, all total I look to have spent about $730 and have the start of a very nice FOWLR, at least I think. I have probobly spent another $270 somewhere in there, so look at $1000 so far. Not to bad but I also spread it out over 2 months so far. I have tried to buy everything in excess and I plan on upgrading lighting soon, but I am FOWLR right now so LFS says I am ok for now. But there is a poor mans approach to a fun hobby.

(BTW, very soon I am considering some or all of the following,
Niger Trigger
Cinamon Clowns
Purple or Regal Tang)
if you got all those fish last night, it should not be very soon that you are considering the other additions. Also, your tank is too small, WAY WAY too small for either of the tangs you are considering.

One of the other things that should be mentioned in this thread besides patience, is also RESEARCH...have the patience to research each fish purchase ahead of time and you will be rewarded greatly by minimal heartaches and loss of fish.
oh my goodness :!:

how could we have forgotten :?:

An RO filter. An incredibly important part of any SW tank. +$150-300
I have researched and quite frankly, the tangs will probobly never see my 55 gallon. The girlfriend wants a Dory fish, so we might start a bigger tank for the tangs and use the 55 as a coral tank later. But no time soon.

I also meant soon as a relative term. By no means did I mean very soon. Thanks for the warning though. I know a lot of people DO jump in like that and that is why SW fishkeeping is considered hard.
Just to give you an idea of price from a different area of the country

My LFS has a 55 tank, stand and hood (plastic cover with two 15W florecent bulbs) for $239.00

45lbs of live rock if gotten local at lets say $5lb thats 225.00
If you get the rock online you should be able to do it for $3lb after shipping

65lbs of dry rock at lets say $2lb 130

marine basic test kit $25

skimmer $100

Lets say you do a 3" dry sand bed with 1" of live sand on top. Dry sand $5 / 50lb bag. Need lets say 3 bags. $15

Live sand (estimate 30lbs at lets say $2/lb) $60

Lets price a 200gal salt bucket $55 (you wll use maybe 1/4th this bucket to start yoru tank but after doing water changes you will need all of the bucket.

submersible heater 150W 2X $30

maxijet 1200 2X (powerheads) $44

Wet/dry filter $200 (i dont like canister filters on salwater setups and if you ever venture into a reef you will be glad you made the investment in a sump (aka wet/dry) )

mag 700 return pump for wet/dry $60

If your not interested in light hungery creatures then the stock florecent bulbs might be ok.

A double tube florecent fixture is going to be $80 but you will also have to buy the glass covers for the tank *many of us run our tanks open and uncovered.

Upgrading the lights to a power compact solution would give you more light. You could go with a single bulb power compact fixture for $130 or a double bulb fixture for $240.

Aside from the tank most of these prices are based on prices found at
using the prices above

Low end $1093

Mid level $1200

high level $1423

Thats unstocked with fish. So depending on fish add another $50 or so to it.
I am in the process of setting up a 30 gallon FOWLR tank (will eventually add some corals &/or inverts down the road- maybe in a year) and so far have gotten tank, stand, hood, filter, protein skimmer, powerhead, heater, & hydrometer for just under $300.00. I am moving next month, so I'm holding off on starting the tank, but when I do, I'll just need to get the sand ($35), 40 lbs of LR ($120-- $2.99/lb including shipping at, salt ($15), chemicals ($15), test kit ($23), & food ($7). I plan on starting with 2 clownfish ($7/ea), 1 jawfish ($14), 4 cleaner shrimp ($10/ea), 2 scarlet hermits ($3/ea), and 6 Bumble bee snails ($2/ea).

Grand Total = $603.00 :D

I have a list I made of all my supplies/equipment I'll need, where I'm going to get it & prices (kind of my aquarium-planning budget!). If you e-mail me at vanlaa87 at, I can e-mail it to you if you're interested. Hope this helps!

Good Luck & Don't let people scare you! :biglol:

edited the email address so it would be less conspicuous to spammers and their bots.
Hope I am not starting war, but:

A Hippo Tang or Dory Fish as was it called, can be bought at a small size...The thing is, that after about 8 months or so, depending on the feeding habits, it could out grow the 55 gal, but :lol: you prolly will upgrade to a bigger size tank by then, :lol: once the bug sets in. :lol: :wink: If you don't upgrade, see if you can return it to the LFS for credit and get another...

If you decide to purchase one, make sure to get one that is 1.5 to 2 inches... I had an atlantic blue tang in my 55 and it was happy as I could tell.. It reached 4 inches before it passed on.... Tangs are fun, but they do require swimming room...

Oh yeah, Most would recommend no less than a 180 for tangs...
tank, stand, hood, filter, protein skimmer, powerhead, heater, & hydrometer for just under $300.00

Thats a great deal. Could you expand on how you where able to get all those items for only $300. Did you find someone who was getting out of the hobby? The LFS in my area had just the tank, stand and hood for $230.
I know the owner of my LFS very well, and she orders things for me from wholesale- for example, the tank, hood, and stand are all brand new from perfecto- She ordered them for me & I just paid the wholesale- $40 for the tank, $60 for the stamd, and about $20 for the hood.

Befriend your LFS owners!
Not enough can be said for befriending the LFS. i have become good buddies aside from fish, and not only do I have a new friend, if I have anything come up he is there for me.

Example, last week about 8:30 at night I busted a lightbulb during maintenence. Well I would not be able to make it in for a few days, and also payday was still so far away. :cry:

But my bud down at the LFS let me come and pick up a bulb and even let me pay him on payday. That is why we should support LFS. I understand as well as anyone how I have to save money. But, what online megastore or supplier can be there for you when you have a problem and you need it solved now, no matter how small it may be?

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