Cracked 10 Gallon Tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 13, 2002
Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
I read a number of the posts about leaks and cracked glass before writing this post. I found none that seem to apply to my problem so I am posting it here to get your advice.

I have a 10 gallon tank that I emptied to give it a complete cleaning after using it for a sick fish. After emptying it I discovered two cracks near a corner. One of them seems to start exactly in the corner and curve inwards a bit before going back to the edge of the tank. It is about an inch long. The second crack is shorter and starts at the edge of the tank near the same corner as the first crack. The crack also curves inward toward the bend in the other crack. It stops about a fourth of an inch from the 1st crack.

I am wondering if it cracked while I was cleaning it or this happened while the tank was filled?

More important questions are: Can I simply put silicon over the cracks and be ok or will the water pressure in a 10 gallon tank be too much and cause the bottom to burst? Could I get a piece of glass cut to the proper dimensions and simply lay it on the inside (or outside) and then seal it with silicon? Or would I have to remove the damaged bottom before attempting to put in a new one?

I know tanks are cheap, however I would prefer investing time in my tank since I already have the tank and silicon instead of spending money for a new tank. If there is no way to safely (meaning safe for the fish) fix the tank then of course I'll trash it and get a new one.
I have a 29 gallon tank that was repaired by carefully removing the silicon with a single sided razor blade and then removing the broken glass. A new piece was obtained from a glass supply shop and it was siliconed back into place with aquarium safe silicon. I have had this tank for over 5 years and it was used for a few years before that with the repair. It can be done but it takes a little work.
When our 10 gallon cracked we ditched it. Actually we used it for our Gecko now. Would be way chearper to buy a new 10 gallon kit than a piece of glass and silicon, mind you I would if it was a larger tank. 10 gallon tanks seem to break alot
Good luck.
Agree Totally.

thats what we did and got a two Geckos.
Had two but one escaped and got caught by one of our cats, :? But ohwell.
yeah you would think 8.97 would be less time and money lol

8.97 Canadian would get me just the Silicon With taxes here lol.


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