CRS in Community Tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 19, 2014
Hi - I have a community tank with the following - Mollys, plattys, Cardinal tetras, jelly bean tetras, rummynose tetras, and zebra danios. The tank is moderately planted and the number of plants keep growing. What are the chances I could add CRS to the tank and not have them become fish food?

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2% those mollys would be my concern. Amano shrimp would work though.

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Thanks again Brookster. I added 2 amanos today. So far everyone seems uninterested in them. Kids love them. They like their little legs. May have to add a few more if all goes well.

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I won't spend another dime on cherry shrimp.
My amanos are awesome and serve a purpose. Some big ghost shrimp are nice and if you can grab a dwarf orange cray get it.

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