Cycle new 10Gal tank help please

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 26, 2011
Hi everyone,

I'm going to do another new 10Gal fishless cycle. So I do have a good health existing 25Gal tank. If I take about 30% water of that 25Gal tank put into this new 10Gal tank, plus some rocks from that 25Gal. Will this help to speed up the fishless cycle? If so how long do you think before I can put few fish in? Do I still have to do daily drops Clear Ammonia?

By the way, this tank I'm going to use as Breeding tank which I will divide into 2 or 3 spot.

Please advise. Thanks
Hi! The water has virtually no beneficial bacteria in it, so it won't help much. The rocks may help slowly. What would help more is a small amount of filter media from your 25 gal IF it can be spared without throwing the 25 gal into a mini-cycle. If you do take media from the 25 I'd test it daily for a week to make sure ammonia etc doesn't spike it and if it does do extra water changes until the tank can catch up.

Yes you'll have to dose ammonia daily; the bacteria need food to eat and it's the best way to see how much conversion is happening and to know when the tank is fully cycled.
I only run 1 filter media in the 25Gal, so if I take that media squeeze the stuff come out and then put into the 10Gal tank, should that also help? because I will run a new filter in this 10Gal tank plus I will throw some live plants (moss, fern) into it as well. Should those help too?
I would run the filter from the 10G on the 25G for a week, and then switch it back to 10G, that should jumpstart by a lot.......

OR, do a 50% WC on the 25G and then fill ur 10G and ur done;) wait a day though for the filter to settle;)
I only run 1 filter media in the 25Gal, so if I take that media squeeze the stuff come out and then put into the 10Gal tank, should that also help? because I will run a new filter in this 10Gal tank plus I will throw some live plants (moss, fern) into it as well. Should those help too?

squeezing the "stuff" would just be the "crap" in the filter media, not the BB most of the time......that is why u never rinse the media, only take off the gunk in it.;)

plants will only help by producing O2 in the water during the day

but its best to plant plants b4 a cycle so u should be fine;)
@ TheFishBoss97:

I did save 50% WC from 25Gal and I will fill this into the 10Gal tomorrow, should the new filter for 10Gal be ok with the old water from 25Gal? So I have wait for a day or two to check the water condition?
yeah, i would just wait at least 1 day for things to stablize and to make sure the filter running;)
good luck:)
keep us posted
and btw......the mainly important things are ammonia and nitrites to be 0ppm, but u [probably already knew that from ur previosu tank:)

and add slowly

what fish r u planning to breed? bc most FISH require breeding tanks of a minimum of 15G and most at least need 20Ls or 29Gs

the only FW creatures u could breed in a 10G would be dario darios(hard to care for, experience, probably med-high area), and shrimps. i would do various shrimps

u could do 4 types
2 neocardinia
2 caridina

as those won't crossbreed

green babaultis and RCS in 1/2 of the tank(5G)
yellow shrimp and CRS in the other 1/2 of the tank(5G)
Thanks .. I will also put some rocks from existing 25Gal over the 10Gal to help the speed as well. If after one or two day I test the Ammonia and Nitrite are both 0, and the Nitrate from 5-20 which are good to go correct?

I will do the albino guppy breed which this should be ok for 2:2 on both side because 10Gal I will divide into two. What do you think?
i would just do a trio in the whole tank;)
and then divide the tank into 3G and 7G. 7G for the trio and 3G for the fry/preg. females...........
@picture117: yes I will use water from 25gal to fill the 10gal tank because my 25gal id healthy.tank.

@fishboss: when you are saying trio, are you mean 2m : 1f ?

I am thinking about divide tank into 3. For 3 different pairs breed. I do have another existing 10gak tank for frys and gre female already. Does that sounds work?


Full premium red albino (1 pair)
Cobra male with cobra female (1 pair)

I still dunno the last pair yet.
trio is 1 male and 2 females;)

i guess it could work......but i would personally in a regular 10G do a max of 6 guppies mix n match

and in breeding tanks, u need less pairs and more space

i would only do 3 pairs.....those sound nice^
and don't get the pairs from petco, the babies turn out horrible bc of horrible genetics.
Well adding water from your 25g would make no difference, there's nothing in the water that helps. Using dechlorinated tap water is much better, the tank water from your 25g is most likely "used up" already.
librarygirl said:
Hi! The water has virtually no beneficial bacteria in it, so it won't help much. The rocks may help slowly. What would help more is a small amount of filter media from your 25 gal IF it can be spared without throwing the 25 gal into a mini-cycle. If you do take media from the 25 I'd test it daily for a week to make sure ammonia etc doesn't spike it and if it does do extra water changes until the tank can catch up.

Yes you'll have to dose ammonia daily; the bacteria need food to eat and it's the best way to see how much conversion is happening and to know when the tank is fully cycled.

TheFishBoss97 said:
I would run the filter from the 10G on the 25G for a week, and then switch it back to 10G, that should jumpstart by a lot.......

OR, do a 50% WC on the 25G and then fill ur 10G and ur done;) wait a day though for the filter to settle;)

TheFishBoss97 said:
squeezing the "stuff" would just be the "crap" in the filter media, not the BB most of the time......that is why u never rinse the media, only take off the gunk in it.;)

plants will only help by producing O2 in the water during the day

but its best to plant plants b4 a cycle so u should be fine;)

TheFishBoss97 said:
yeah, i would just wait at least 1 day for things to stablize and to make sure the filter running;)
good luck:)
keep us posted
and btw......the mainly important things are ammonia and nitrites to be 0ppm, but u [probably already knew that from ur previosu tank:)

and add slowly

what fish r u planning to breed? bc most FISH require breeding tanks of a minimum of 15G and most at least need 20Ls or 29Gs

the only FW creatures u could breed in a 10G would be dario darios(hard to care for, experience, probably med-high area), and shrimps. i would do various shrimps

u could do 4 types
2 neocardinia
2 caridina

as those won't crossbreed

green babaultis and RCS in 1/2 of the tank(5G)
yellow shrimp and CRS in the other 1/2 of the tank(5G)

I would listen to library girl here!!

No offence but there is some dangerous advice coming from fishboss there!
Master503 said:
Hi everyone,

I'm going to do another new 10Gal fishless cycle. So I do have a good health existing 25Gal tank. If I take about 30% water of that 25Gal tank put into this new 10Gal tank, plus some rocks from that 25Gal. Will this help to speed up the fishless cycle? If so how long do you think before I can put few fish in? Do I still have to do daily drops Clear Ammonia?

By the way, this tank I'm going to use as Breeding tank which I will divide into 2 or 3 spot.

Please advise. Thanks

What fish you want to breed in a ten gal.??
Divided, gor for betta(hard),
Or guppy(easy)!
But you will se that breeding require lots of space to grow your fry! So with guppies its cheap and easy! Plus its fun!

10 Gal divided into 3 spot, for 3 different pairs of guppy.

I use the 25Gal filter over to (10Gal), I use about 10 rocks over to (10Gal). I use 50% WC from 25Gal put into (10Gal). No Ammonia drops put in yet! I hope with those it will speed up the cycle more faster.

Now I turn on the heat at 80 degree - 82 degree, let the light on over night?

Test after 5 hours setup:

Ph: 7.2
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 5ppm
Today the test is still the same result .. what do you think? is this cycled?
Today the test is still the same result .. what do you think? is this cycled?

Looks like it. But did you move all your filter media over from the 25 gal to the 10? If so, what's on the 25? And if you're planning to move the 25 gals filter back over to the 10 you'll probably uncycle the 10 gal. Sorry if I'm misunderstanding.
I did move the filter from 25gal over 10gal and keep it there now on. I do put another new filter to 25gal.
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