Cycling fast?

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caitlynnanne9189 said:
I can't do it tonight so tomorrow is going to have to be good. I would love to have it don't tonight but I'm exhausted and I have no energy. Been a long day. I get it guys I just can't. Plus it's in my bedroom and I can't keep my boyfriend up. He had to be up at 4. :/.

Should I wait till Thursday for fish then? It's either do the water change tmw and get fish or do them both Thursday cuz I have another long day Wednesday.

Id say tomorrow just let it circulate an hr then check it then acclimate them
I'd say I have the best boyfriend in the world! He let me change my water tonight so I mustered up the last ounce of energy I had and did a pwc about 85%. I haven't tested and cant cuz he is now passed out on my chest but at least it's done. I'll test in the morning and hope all is well! :D
Well I just tested my water and my
pH: 7.8

Does this mean another pwc for fish?
caitlynnanne9189 said:
Well I just tested my water and my
pH: 7.8

Does this mean another pwc for fish?

If it were me I would get it under 10.
I did another pwc about 70% and then I had to leave. Idk what that brought it to but I'm going to get fish. I'll test when I get home.
Well I did a pwc about 70% then I had to leave. I'm gonna test when I get home again but I'll have fish by then so I'll just have to see.
caitlynnanne9189 said:
I did another pwc about 70% and then I had to leave. Idk what that brought it to but I'm going to get fish. I'll test when I get home.

That should be good to go then. Just drip them slowly
caitlynnanne9189 said:
No fish for me today. Nobody had them :( tried 2 places. I guess I'm gonna wait till Thursday and look again

Awwwwww sorry. R u gonna dose back up
No fish for me today. Nobody had them :( tried 2 places. I guess I'm gonna wait till Thursday and look again

if you are waiting until thursday I wonder if you should dose the tank today with ammonia? not sure.. when was the last time you added ammonia to your tank? sunday or monday?

oh and hang in there! you waited this long, a few more days is not going to kill you!:D
tell again what you are going to add... I think I get to add fish on friday (if all goes like I plan)
HeatherW said:
if you are waiting until thursday I wonder if you should dose the tank today with ammonia? not sure.. when was the last time you added ammonia to your tank? sunday or monday?

oh and hang in there! you waited this long, a few more days is not going to kill you!:D
tell again what you are going to add... I think I get to add fish on friday (if all goes like I plan)

That's exciting!! I can't wait for my fishys! :D

I haven't added ammonia since Sunday night. I wasn't sure if I should dose tonight if I can't get fish. I'm going to one more place tonight if they are still open after dinner with my boyfriend. I think if I don't get them I'm gonna dose ammonia to 2ppm just to make sure my bb stay alive till Thursday and then I'll hope they have fish! :D if not idk :/
caitlynnanne9189 said:
That's exciting!! I can't wait for my fishys! :D

I haven't added ammonia since Sunday night. I wasn't sure if I should dose tonight if I can't get fish. I'm going to one more place tonight if they are still open after dinner with my boyfriend. I think if I don't get them I'm gonna dose ammonia to 2ppm just to make sure my bb stay alive till Thursday and then I'll hope they have fish! :D if not idk :/

Sounds good. Good luck in finding them
Yay! I'm a proud fishys momma! :D

I decided not to get the cherry barbs because I just really don't like what the females look like so I got 7 black neon tetras. They are happy and exploring and of course won't hold still for a picture! I'm going to try in the am to see what I can get.
caitlynnanne9189 said:
Yay! I'm a proud fishys momma! :D

I decided not to get the cherry barbs because I just really don't like what the females look like so I got 7 black neon tetras. They are happy and exploring and of course won't hold still for a picture! I'm going to try in the am to see what I can get.

Way to go!!!!! CONGRATS
boadams87 said:
Way to go!!!!! CONGRATS

Ahhh!! I'm so excited!! I'm thinking of skipping the dwarf gourami and getting a small school of neon tetras and the Cory's and then I'll be done! :D


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