Cycling Hospital Tank?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 28, 2005
Boston, MA
So, our male gourami seems to have the same affliction as our female (just much less, only one small spot of body fungus)... our female died yesterday. I ran out and bought all the makings of a hospital tank right after she died and it's been running for 24 hours. I used some gravel from the established tank and dipped the filter media (sponge, etc) of the aquaclear filter into the established filter (emperor bio-wheel power 400).
All set to add the gourami, but I'm very nervous about making him more stressed out by going through a cycle. Already, the tank is registering ammonia (possibly there was waste in the gravel that was transferred) and there aren't even fish in it yet!
Should I transfer him anyway, wait and see if the ammonia goes away, or treat my whole established tank with the meds?
If you used the gravel and the filter media from the main tank, why didn't you just use the water as well? Then it'd be already cycled and you could put him straight in.
DeFeKt said:
If you used the gravel and the filter media from the main tank, why didn't you just use the water as well?

Because he did not use the first two....just some gravel, and new media that had rinsed in cycled tank-water for a jump-start.

It likely will not matter a huge lot either could just use the quarantine tank and combine water changes with some zeolite to keep the ammonia down for now.
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