Cycling new tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 15, 2011
Stagecoach, NV
I'm getting ready to set up a 55g tank and read that if you put a mesh bag of coral in the tank it helps speed up the cycle. Has anyone tried this? I'll be using media from a filter from one of my other established tanks. I'll be doing a fishless cycle as I refuse to damage or kill any of my fish.
If anything I'd say the coral would help prevent the cycle from stalling due to a pH crash, not really speed it up. Coral in your filter raises pH and kH. If you're not planning on doing any water changes during the fishless cycle it might be a good idea, but even a weekly water change would probably keep your pH stable enough. Chances are you're going to gave to do water changes during the nitrite -> nitrate phase anyway.
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