Dalmation mollies and angel fish?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 21, 2012
My friend set his dads old tank up and I've been teaching him about cycling his tank its officially cycled reading Amm-0 trite-0 trate-10 ph-7 so my question is he went and bought 2 Dalmatian mollies will they live peacefully with angels? I have 3 angels in a qt tank I bought them for my angel tank but my 2 angels apparently don't think anymore angels should live with them now so they've been in a 20 gal qt tank for about 3 weeks now. Thanks!
Um. On AA were not supposed to bump threads. Anyway back to the topic. Angelfish in a 20 is a no really. They could live in a 30g but as long as he upgrades in the future that ought to be fine. Sorry what size is the tank?
Samzter said:
Um. On AA were not supposed to bump threads. Anyway back to the topic. Angelfish in a 20 is a no really. They could live in a 30g but as long as he upgrades in the future that ought to be fine. Sorry what size is the tank?

He has a 30 gal now they are in my 20 gal qt tank right now but are Dalmatian mollies known to nip fins or anything I've never had one before
Yes angels will do fine in a 30. I'm not sure if mollies are fin hoppers. I've never kept them.
No problems with Mollies and my Angels when I had them. Angels would try and chase the Mollies every now (territorial) and then but they're too slow to catch them.
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