Dangers of Lionfish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 5, 2006
Just joined the "club" today and am looking forward to some great advice. I have had my 54 gallon bow front tank for about 8 years now. I had a Puffer for about the last 2 1/2 years and it recently died. My question, I bought a Volitan Lionfish about 4 months before the Puffer died, and within a couple of weeks, I also lost a Tomato Clown. There never seemed to be a problem with the mixture of fish, but both the Clown and the Puffer seemed to have become blind and disoriented for several days before their death. Actually the Puffer seemed to recover and then suddenly died. After that I missed my Puffer so much, I purchased a cute little Burr Fish. It also died the same way within about a week. Do you think the Lionfish is killing off my tank? I do have an eel left that doesn't seem to be having any problem and the Lionfish is also quite healthy. Help! If I have to try and trade this guy in, in order to have other fish I will do that, or maybe you can tell me what he is compatible with from your own experience. My books said he was compatible with my Puffer, but maybe not. Thanks! Sheila :(
Lionfish are agressive, poisonous fish. The spines can release a toxic poison, so any fish that bumps into him could be affected. (Also be wary of your hands around the Lionfish. He generally won't try to sting the hand that feeds him, but accidents can happen if he is startled.)

Lionfish are often kept with other agressives (like puffers), but in any agressive tank you have to watch the relative size of the tank occupants, and the personalities of the individual fish involved.

Welcome to Aquarium Advice!

From what I have read, a loinfish will eat anything that they can fit in their mouth. Were the clown and burr fish (not sure what this one is) smaller than the loinfish? What are your water paramiters?
Lionfish are not aggressive as far as "going after" fish and attacking them with their spines. The spines are a defensive mechanism only. They are aggressive in the fact they will eat anything that fits in their mouth and they have a LARGE mouth. Lionfish are actually a nice community fish. Personally, I think your tank is too small for one, mine grew from a couple inches to well over a foot in length. I think what you are seeing is water quality issues.
Thanks to all of you. Hara do you still have your Lionfish? You could be right about my tank size. When I got him he was about 3-4" and he is easily 6-7". I do regular water changes every 2 weeks, but I will have it tested at my lfs. But if my water is the problem, why would the Lion and eel not be affected, just more hardy?
I lost my largest lionfish last summer, I have not had the heart to replace him yet. Eels and Lions are pretty hardy. My eel was the only survivor of a tank crash that destroyed everything in it a few years ago.
Cloudy eyes, disorienation, dying a couple days later.....

Sounds like you have water quality issues.....and putting 2 and 2 together, as this arrised after adding the lion, I would have to blame it on the lions eating habits.

Even if the lion wont eat or harass another fish, as they are IMHO one of the most peaceful marine fish I have ever kept, the will add so much bio mass to the tank that you cant keep a lot of fish with them, without getting a much larger tank!


Thanks Billy. I am really having a hard time figuring out what to do. I adore the big guy, but I really want to have other fish too, and he is getting so big! I hate to pen him up in my 54 gallon tank. So I am thinking of seeing if my lfs will let me trade him in. They are an excellent store, very clean and I wouldn't feel bad about trading him in there.
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