Danio swimming into filter housing

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 7, 2012
Hereford, UK
Ok, now I'm confused. I've got one Leopard Danio in my tank that keeps swimming into the filter housing :banghead: thought initially that he was swimming up the outlet pipe but this morning watched as the little blighter wriggled down the side of the filter and appeared at the top of the filter housing, but for the first time also then swam back out the same way. So I presume there is a inlet under the filter that he is swimming in and out of.Actually all my fish seem to like wriggling down that gap between the internal filter and the base/side of the tank as I also found 4 of my Plattys hiding down there this morning too.

The tank is a Juwel Rio 180 with the Juwel Bioflow 3.0 internal filter any suggestions, or do I just need to pile up rocks around the base of the filter?
Lol I have this same tank and I was a little worried about that gap from the start. So far none of my fish have done as yours have though. You could maybe try piling up some extra substrate round the base. mine is covered by deeper substrate ATM and as I said none of my fish have been able to go in it. Or you could probably just get a couple rocks and cover it that way, I'm planning to do that when I get my corys incase they dig the substrate out of the gap. Just my thoughts and someone may have a better idea. Hope I helped some though
I'm not familiar with that tank or filter but you can place sponges over intakes. It does reduce flow slightly and you have to clean them regularly to keep the filter running efficiently. Is the gap part of the intake? Does water flow in or out of it? Trying to picture it.
The gap is part of the intake I think. It's a space the small Danios can wriggle into. Piled up additonal substrate around it last night, seemed to work. Will get some rocks at the weekend.
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