DaveMc's 36g Bow Front Build

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More Choices

Ok, here are a few other scapes I was playing with....what ya think....



Thanks guy's, I do too but running into a problem. The glue isn't holding like I thought so may have to go a different way with it. Can't find putty anywhere here where I live sooooo.....gonna try something different.
Woo hoo...stand just arrived! Can't wait to open it and get it together.

Initial cycling of the tank should start today!!! :dance:
Haha! Should have waited till after the cycle to put a finger coral in!

Can't wait to see how it turns out! :)

LOL :lol:

Thanks for the mind jar too...forgot about finger/devils hand coral. I wants one :biglol:
This tank is going to look great wet :), and I also think #2 looks good, but as you point out it's best to make sure there aren't going to be any rockslides!
This tank is going to look great wet :), and I also think #2 looks good, but as you point out it's best to make sure there aren't going to be any rockslides!

Exactly! I am so ready to get the water in but I had to stop for the night. Too dang tired after everything else I had going today.

Since the pieces wouldn't hold I will just do things a little different and hopefully should still be able to go the route I was wanting to....not to mention the rock etc. that will be trans from the old 10g.

Will post pics tomorrow of how things are going so far.

Got a question though.

I saved some of the water from the water change on my 10g today. Was going to add it into the new tank along with a piece of live rock from the 10g for seeding the new rock. Will I still need to add the shrimp for the ammonia source or will the water and rock be enough?
Gotcha, sounds good!

As for LR seeding, yes, I would still add ammonia to get the cycle going, you still need the BB to colonize the majority of rock if you only have a small bit of LR. Btw, water doesn't carry any (well, trace amounts I guess) of the BB, the aquarium surfaces like LR and equipment are where they live.
Gotcha, sounds good!

As for LR seeding, yes, I would still add ammonia to get the cycle going, you still need the BB to colonize the majority of rock if you only have a small bit of LR. Btw, water doesn't carry any (well, trace amounts I guess) of the BB, the aquarium surfaces like LR and equipment are where they live.

Thanks Dingus :) glad I asked as I wasn't sure in regards to the water. I will be adding a shrimp to start it. Just realized the bag of aragonite which I thought was live sand but was not :oops: It was actually a finer sand almost like sugar sand but I still had some live sand left over to added that to it as well.

Was also seeding some smaller piece of the new rock in my 10g while waiting for the stand etc. and will be putting them in also. Think one shrimp will be enough for a 36?
New Question on Lights

I need some advice on my new lights. First is a link for the old lights I have right now on my 10g..

Reef LED Aquarium Lighting System | Marineland

And here are my new ones...

Arctic-T247 LED Aquarium Light_Aquarium LED_OCEANREVIVE LED

The new lights have to be at least 12" above the water surface when mounted which will be no problem...couple hangers and done. My worry is on how to set them :confused:

I know if I have them all the way up I could possibly kill the coral I have and if too low won't be enough light. Since the watt's a par are way higher on this light, does anyone know what would be the best way to set the channels on this light?
How tall is the 36? I'd start them of relatively low and then ramp them up over the span of a week or two. That will give your corals time to adjust.
How tall is the 36? I'd start them of relatively low and then ramp them up over the span of a week or two. That will give your corals time to adjust.

I think these are the correct dimensions 24"L x 15"W x 21"H I will have to get the box out of the garbage to be sure.

I thought the same about starting low and increasing them a little at a time. I'm just not sure how to program the channels. The dimming has a separate knob for that so no problem there.
Lol idk either! I don't have a fancy dimmable light :p! But yeah either do that or just acclimate the corals from the sandbed...well actually acclimate them from the sandbed anyway. That tank is pretty deep.
Lol idk either! I don't have a fancy dimmable light :p! But yeah either do that or just acclimate the corals from the sandbed...well actually acclimate them from the sandbed anyway. That tank is pretty deep.

LOL...correction it is 30"L x 15"W x 21"H.

Yeah, looks like it is going to be a "tinkering" thing I guess :lol: I'll start them at the sand bed. My GSP and Polyps are already on live rock so will have to put them down the bottom anyways like they are now.
Getting Wet Today...

Today is the day! Will finally be adding the water to the tank. Once it is done I will put the light tat came with it on, i is only a T8 15w and take some pics. Then I will need to hit the store in a couple days to get a couple hangers to put up the LED and will take more shots and post.

EXCITED!!!! :dance:
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