Dead or molting?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 8, 2008
When a crab molts his skin what does he do or what does it look like?

My electric blue looks like he is comming out of his shell and has like dead skin hanging off of him. He has been very inactive since puting him onto my tank. Is he molting or dead?
My water params are as follows

How long has this been going on? Usually they will molt over nite. I have a reef lobster that is purple and orange and I wake up and there it is in front of the tank. BTW do you have a link to that crab as the only blue lobsters I can find are freshwater lobsters.
no he is an electric blue hermit crab with the blue legs. he is almost completly out of his shell now. He seems to be moving or wiggling or something.
My bad. Maybe I need to go back to bed. He is more than likely molting.
HE MOLTED IM SO HAPPY HAHAHAHAHAHAHa. I thought that his molted skin was actually him out of his shell but i just caught him coming out and eating his own skin YUCK!!!!!!! is that normal and should i just leave that skin in my tank or is it going to mess up my water parameters.
Leave it in there. If he does not eat it the other fish and inverts will.
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