Dead platty, brown fuzz and strange test kit

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 8, 2010
Hey all,

I've got some questions and updates on my story.

I lost my wagtail platty last Sunday. She started swimming sideways, then letting herself sink down, then started hiding, I found her stuck to the filter tube twice, and then she died. She showed no physiological changes. It all happened pretty fast.

Daily routine is:

8am: Test for ammonia and nitrites, feed
8pm: Same, then 40% PWC

According to my testing, there hasn't been a trace of ammonia and nitrites have always been between 0 and .40ppm (usually higher at 8pm). Water is at a steady 78F.

I still have the mickey mouse platty who I believe is pregnant, and she seems to be doing fine. She swims around, eats when she's fed (8am and 8pm daily) and pecks on the plants.

I've got three questions:

- The ammonia test I have (Nutrafin) says it's suppose to detect 0.0 ppm to 7.3ppm. However, the lightest color on the test chart corresponds to 0.6ppm. From my readings, I understand that 0.2ppm is already too high of an ammonia concentration. Is my test not sensitive enough or am I missing something?

- Am I right in thinking that the fluctuation in nitrites is telling me that there is ammonia being processed, but that the nitrite processing bacteria population is still small at the moment? I haven't purchased a nitrates test yet, would that be a good idea?

- There are brownish spots on everything (plants, decor and glass). I noticed only today as they are relatively pale. I figure it's just algae, but I also understand that it may be bad for my live plants at this early stage. Is it too early to introduce a snail or an algae eating fish?

Thanks for your help, cheers!

I would recommend the API Master Freshwater liquid test kit, it is what most people on here use. And if you get that test, it also includes tests for nitrate and pH.
Since you are having ammonia problems, I would do water changes every day, until you have 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites.
Do the brownish spots look blurry, or like sprinkles of something?
+1 on the API kit.

Keep up the PWCs. I think I'd bump them up to 50-70% daily.

If you're seeing nitrites, you should start testing for nitrates. If you're seeing any levels of ammonia or nitrite, it means your bacteria population is still small. As long as you keep up with the PWCs, you should be ok.

The brown spots are probably diatoms. They're common in a new tank. They're the least of your worries right now.
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