Dead tiger Barb..could it be he is to fat?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 8, 2005
So a Tiger Barb just died withen the last hour. He and 3 other Barbs in the same tank have allways been fat, i have been cutting down on there food in hopes to get them looking norma but has not worked. After he died i was touching his belly and it was soft not hard. I have 2 others that look just like he did and i am worried they could kick the bucket anytime now. Is there anything i could do? Should i starve them skinny? the pics were taken right after i took him out of the tank.


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This is an extremely bloated fish and this is NOT normal. The fish is filled with fluid, and though you normally see scales sticking out this is known as dropsy. The other fish in the tank will almost definitely die from this - once they are noticeably bloated it is almost impossible to save them. This is not from overfeeding.

You can try 1/8 teaspoon of Epsom salt per 5 gallons of water, but chances are not good for cure. Here is a link:
There is one other distinct possibility and that is that you have females who are eggbound. I have seen this happen with Tiger Barbs (Capoeta tetrazona) before and the appearance of the fish is exactly what you illustrate in your pictures. You might try finding a male and see if you can get some breeding going.

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