Depressed or sick betta

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 10, 2016
In between Detroit and Ann Arbor
I recently bought a 20 gallon high tetra color fusion and the only place it would fit is where the 6 gallon fluval edge with my betta Charlie in it. Unfortunately I had to move Charlie and his 6 gal across the room. A day after I moved him I had to go out of town but only for one day. Well when I came back I noticed that his fins were frayed and one was clamped. I thought it was fin rot but his water is very healthy. Ammonia 0, Nitrite O, Nitrate 5, PH 7.8,. The tank has been running for 4 months. Water temp is usually between 78 to 80. I do weekly water changes and vacuum 1/2 of the gravel.

I also took a couple of his porous decorations to help cycle the 20 gal. I think he was so stressed from the move and taking some of his furniture(I replaced it with new stuff) that he was biting himself because he was fine before I left. Well it's been 10 days and he eats but not as much as usual. He is blowing bubble nests but for the rest of the time he is lying in a plant or sitting on the bottom staring at the wall. He has flared at me a few times but never before this. I would say 80 percent of the time he is lying in the plants or staring at the back wall of the tank on the bottom. Any thoughts? :thanks:
Might be stress from the move. How is he doing?

Hello and thank you for your concern:)) He is still sulking in the corner in a plant or on the floor looking at the wall. I think he may feel exposed in his new environment and very stressed from it and the move. He is still eating and blowing bubble nests and patrolling the tank. I am doing water changes and his fins look a little better. He flares at me occasionally which he has never done before. I try talking to him and put on a video of a sorority of female betta that kept his interest for a while. Ok crazy question!! Is it possible that he can see the other tank across the room with the fish in it? It's only 9 feet away from the 20 gal. Maybe he is very lonely because he didn't start with the everyday bubble nests until I got fish min my other tank. I know far fetched but I had to ask. lol :thanks:
I wouldn't put it past him! Mine has come up with the trick of not seeing his food pellets in case more drop in but wolfs them down as soon as I get say 3 feet away from the tank. Does a crazy little dance though. :)
I wouldn't put it past him! Mine has come up with the trick of not seeing his food pellets in case more drop in but wolfs them down as soon as I get say 3 feet away from the tank. Does a crazy little dance though. :)

Haha that's funny!! Charlie just started doing that to me but I contributed it to him being pissed at me. Lol. Hete is a pic of his tail. :fish1::whistle:

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