Wanted: DHG, and etc.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 6, 2012
I'm looking for some Dwarf Hairgrass, and some small clippings of anything else you might have to be looking to get rid of. I would like to find Red Lotus, any type of crypt, Pennywort, back ground plants, midground plants foreground plants.. Just name what you have, and I'll get back to you! (y)
I have:
Dwarf swords (beautiful front ground plant, at least 5 steams on each)
Tiger Lotus (red)
Elodea Densa (5 steams at least on each)
Brazilian Pennywort (really good amount on each)
Ludwigia Repens (5 steams at least on each).

Each plant is at $2.50 plus shipping, USPS priority 2 days,
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