Diary of a Brand New Aquarium (with Bio-Spira used)

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 2, 2004
New Jersey
I was asked to keep notes on starting my new aquarium since I mentioned I was going to use Bio-Spira. I started two days ago, so I'll type the notes I have so far and add as I go.

December 23rd, 7pm - With kid finally in bed, mass chaos ensues to set up the tank. Rinsed tank and gravel, added fake wood pieces and fake plants, and placed heater. After much gnashing of teeth, discovered that the Eheim canister filter 2213 simply has terrible directions and made educated guesses as to how to set it up. And they give you pieces of equipment that appear to have nothing to do with the filter since there is no reference to these pieces either in the directions booklet or the photographs on the box it came in. Filled the tank with tap water and added 3.5 teaspoons of StressCoat. Tank thermometer arrived broken, will purchase new one. After 20 minutes, turned on the heater and filter. Everything appears in working order.

December 24th - purchased new thermometer in the morning. Soon discover that the water temperature is at 76 degrees and we can add fish sooner than expected. Trip over to our largest LFS and get one angelfish (now named Gill), one small pleco (Sandy), four mollies (one pure black, one white with black spots, and two oranges each with a little black - Blackie and Spot have been named), and five guppies (either clear with orange or blue with multicolored tails - none have been named). Started acclimating them at 1:00pm, netted them into the tank at 1:30 and immediately added one packet of Bio-Spira (one more in fridge just in case). Sandy the pleco is hiding in the back corner, and I dropped one algae wafer in. Fed them a small pinch of flakes and most was eaten immediately. Topped off the tank and added a dash of StressCoat. Blackie the molly is very active and seems to be enjoying swimming into the bubbles of the aerator. Gill the angel appears totally confused and is hiding in the back corner with Sandy. Spot decides the algae wafer is mighty tasty, so I drop another one in the opposite side so Sandy has a shot at eating some.

At 2:15pm:
Ammonia @ 0-.25 ppm
Nitrite @ 0 ppm
Nitrate @ 0-5 ppm

December 25th, 1:00pm - Stopped home from my mom's house to check in. Water temperature is a steady 78 degrees and I notice that the tiny bubbles that covered everything yesterday are mostly gone, but that the water now appears a bit cloudy or milky. Gill is out of hiding and swimming around with the rest of the fish. Blackie is still very active. Had to look hard for Sandy, who is nestled in a cave. The rest are just swimming around doing nothing remarkable. After testing the water, added one algae wafer and a pinch of flakes.

At 1:20pm:
Ammonia @ 0-.25 ppm
Nitrite @ 0 ppm
Nitrate @ 0 - 5 ppm

I will post a picture or two as time goes on, but left my camera at my mom's today.
Ok, here's the first shots... (editing to add comments because for some reason that's not working)... These are photos of Gill the angelfish, Sandy the pleco (those rocks are about 1.5 inches big and maybe 1/4 inch thick - s/he's tiny), and the tank when it was all set up. That tank looks so clean! You can see in the other photos how cloudy it got.
More photos...

The first one is our bully guppy. I've been keeping an eye on him, and he seems to chase the other guppies when they come near him. Can't tell if he doesn't like them or if he's a guy trying to get lucky. There's another guppy who is in hiding & shakes his tail a lot... not sure if he's ok. The bully doesn't seem to take nips, just chases a little. Doesn't seem to bother the pleco or the angel though.

The second is my cat Loki checking out the fish. He's very confused about it all right now.
Behavioral update: As I mentioned in the photos, the tank has turned a little milky which is what I assume is a bacterial bloom. Sandy came out to center stage for a bit so I could get a pic, but has now completely disappeared into some crevace or hole. Blackie is still flitting around and I'm wondering if he has fishie ADHD. One of the blue guppies is acting kind of weird and I'm wondering if he isn't hurt or ill - he's hiding out in or near the large cave on the left and swishes his tail kind of frantically and bends it towards his right, but doesn't swim in circles or anything, stays in one place. The other blue guppy acts like a bully, chasing the other guppies when they come near him, but won't bother any other fish.
Good looking tank. I'm glad everything is working out.

I could help but notice your named your cat the same as my moms.
Loki: The norse god of fire and mischeif. (fits my moms cat, nothing but trouble. Black and white normal domostic)
Her other one is Odin
Odin: King of the norse gods and overseerer of war. (Big, Strong, highly intelligent, yet calm and loving. Black Hemilain cat highbrid, worth 800 if he was registered.)
Thanks :) It's still in the process of setting up, so I figure I would make notes every day until I am sure there's no major change. We'll see how it goes over the next few days, but so far I am impressed with the Bio-Spira.

LOL about the cats :) I have a Turkish Van named Asia who's a timid little thing. Got Loki a couple of months later, don't even remember what made me think of that as a name, but it turns out to fit him well too. He's ALWAYS getting into something. but the sweetest, most tolerant cat I've ever known. I'm always on top of my four-year-old for treating him roughly, but he just takes it and walks away. What a weirdo.
Yay! I am excited for you and hope the Bio-Spira does the trick - thanks for posting pics, too :D
MAJOR UPDATE: Discovered that Gill has gone on to the big fishbowl in the sky at 9:30am. Removed him from the tank and immediately retested all water levels...

Ammonia @ 0 ppm
Nitrite @ 0 ppm
Nitrate @ 0-5 ppm
pH @ 7.8

Thankfully we had prepared our daughter for the possibility of fish going belly-up and she was appropriately sympathetic and moved back to her new Ariel doll without much problem. Also, the black molly was re-named "Sandy" and the pleco was re-named "Peach".
TomK2 said:
Looking good so far! Most likely time for ammonia spike is day 5 - 14?

From the graph I have in my little guide, the ammonia spike of an unBio-Spira'd tank should peak around day 10. I'm into day 3 with fully stocked tank so the ammonia would normally be around .5 - I'll keep a close eye on the ammonia over the next couple of days since it should spike pretty fast then if the Bio-Spira doesn't work. Only time will tell!
The smaller blue guppy doesn't act like any of the others and I have a feeling it's not long for this tank. Right now he is wedging himself between a fake plant and the fake wood in the back corner - took me a long time to find him. The rest seem to be pretty settled in. I plan on getting a few more fish in about a week or so, after I know things are ok.

Anyone know how often I should add algae wafers?
That Bio-spira stuff sounds fairly good. I wish you could get it over here, but I guess the ime taken to post things to england would mean it would go off by the time it got here.

I'm currently on day 9 since I set my 10gal tank up, and I'm keeping the NH3 down to 1ppm by doing 20-30% water changes every 3 days. Its a shame i didn't find out about fishless cycling until after I set my tank up, or I would have tried it differently.

I'm hoping to get a hold of a cup full of gravel from an established tank in the next few days, in order to speed up the rest of the cycle. 6 weeks seems a long time to wait to fully populate a fish tank...
Okay, someone PM'd me to mention that he thought my heater may not be working optimally because my aerator is directly beneath it. Please see my gallery photos to see my tank and where everything is. I assumed it would actually help circulate the warm water better, but wanted to check and see if anyone else could comment on it. Oh, and since taking the photo, I have lowered the amount of bubbles to a steady wave of small bubbles - I know that it looks like the water is churning...

UPDATE ON BEHAVIOR: Except for the guppy I am having my doubts about, the rest of the gang seems happy and are very social. Even the Bully guppy has settled down and isn't chasing the others so much. Pathetic guppy is in hiding somewhere - neither of us can find him. And the tank seems clearer than it was yesterday :)
I assumed it would actually help circulate the warm water better,
I have lowered the amount of bubbles to a steady wave of small bubbles - I know that it looks like the water is churning...
From your photo it looks like bubbles are clinging to the heater? I don't think you would want bubbles on the heater. If your filter and airstone is circulating water around the tank, you would not need the airstone circulation right on top of the heater to distribute the heat, and the heater could be verticle in a corner or elsewhere. Bubbles on the heater would rob it off surface area to conduct heat to the water. I would think that the air covered spots would run hotter than the water covered parts too. I am sure your tank will still stay warm even with bubbles on the heater, but I wouldn't want the heater to suffer because of the bubbles. If the heater is not collecting bubbles, than it doesn't matter.
Well I wouldnt worry about the bubbles on the heater to much I have a tank that has bubbles flowing under the heater and they dont stick to it after awhile. The heater should be fine and yes the flow of the water will move the heat through out the tank. If you are concerned about it then move the bubbles right beside the heater :)

Good Luck with the Bio-Spira. I have used it and it does work pretty good.
Tom - I took the photo within the first day, when bubbles were clinging to EVERYTHING. The only reason they weren't on the front glass was because I used a magnet to clean them off. Since then the bubbles have disappeared and they simply go around the heater. I also do use StressCoat, so there may be a bit of a slimey coating to it by now. I positioned the heater diagonally like that to help distribute heat evenly. But I will watch the temperature over the next couple of days. :)
UPDATE: Patheticus is frantically swimming in place near the filter tubing - I think he's just going to scare himself to death at this point.

At 11:15am:
Ammonia @ 0 ppm
Nitrite @ 0 ppm
Nitrate @ 0 ppm
pH @ 8.0

I tested my tapwater, which shows a pH of 7.0 - I did a 20% water change to see if it helps to drop the pH level. Added one teaspoon of StressCoat.

Any recommendations? And should I put in the rest of the Bio-Spira or just wait for the nitrates to build up?
I would not add any more Bio-Spira now - but I am very curious about the pH. That is a huge difference between tank and tap, so do very small water changes so as not to drop it too suddenly.

Can you describe your decorations and gravel? I am wondering if there is some kind of buffering object in the tank, though I have never seen that raise the pH so markedly in such a short time.
MY tap comes out 7.4 and with aireation it goes up to 7.8-8.0 I think the release of CO2 from the water causes the increase in PH.
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