Dimwitted Clownfish and jealous Frontosa

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 23, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Even after giving my Percula several months with both a sebae and a condi anemone,
he just wasnt interested. Somehow this clown did not get the memo on hosting anemones. :|
- Empty nest

Finally I guess instinct kicked in. Unfortunately he's tank raised,
so he must have missed out on exactly what the instinct was all about.
So... he um... fell in love with a featherduster worm. :roll:

Video- http://www.whack.org/~dan/fish/stupidclown.wmv

And the Frontosas... well they're sitting across the room, getting more jealous of the saltwater tank by the day
since I keep spending all my time over there, neglecting them. :sorry:
Most clowns will never host a condy. I also had a problem getting mine to host the sebae at first. They decided they liked the fuzzy mushrooms. Then when the sebae moved over right up against their shrooms, they all of a sudden decided the sebae was alright. Now they live in both.
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