Discus breathing heavy/hard

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2011
Westminster, CO, USA
I have a tank with 3 smaller Discus in it. One of them appears to be breathing very heavy. Gills wide open sucking through a lot of water. I just did a 50% water change tonight because I found one of my small clown loaches dead, and the tank needed it anyway. I'm wondering if this might be due to the WC or if it might be gill flukes.

If flukes what are my treatment options? What do I look for? This tank has two NEXX canister filters on it, bubble stones, is planted and also has lemon tetras and rummy nose tetras.

I've had another clown loach die in here but I'm assuming both are from the discus attacking them because the first had a wound. I also lost one discus that was chewed on by a BN pleco I had in there (removed now) and then was attacked by the other discus.

Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrate: 5ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
pH: 7.4

I've had them in the tank for about 20 days.
Oh water already change!

Medecine are hard on tetra so be cautious!

Is your filter clean??

Do you use any product? If yes, what products?

What temp?
I don't have anything to test kh and gh with. :( All of the other fish including the other discus are fine and happy as can be. I did dose the tank with Prime when I did the WC. I also cleaned the filters in the canisters about 4 days ago so they should be fine.

Again the temp is 85 degrees.

Crud, now I can't find the fish that was breathing hard, it is hiding somewhere in the plants. My discus change color and blend in with the background.
If its gill flukes i think its gram + so tetracycline and/or erythromicine are good for it.
And a its fungal base infection, malachite green with formalin use without light can help.
But its hard on plants, tetra, catfish and you cycle!!

If you have a smaller tank its better as an hospital tank. if you cant, go for half dose to help!
If its gill flukes i think its gram + so tetracycline and/or erythromicine are good for it.
And a its fungal base infection, malachite green with formalin use without light can help.
But its hard on plants, tetra, catfish and you cycle!!

If you have a smaller tank its better as an hospital tank. if you cant, go for half dose to help!

Okay, thanks a ton! I do have a another tank I can put him in but I'll have to bring the temp up.
Have you noticed any bullying? With only 3 I worry he might be getting picked on. I have 5 in a grow out BB tank and I need to add a few more for the little guy in mine to get a break...
Could be stress related.
The same thing happened to my discus when I first got them, lost a few of them randomly to heavy breathing followed by death a day or two later. I tried treating with prazipro and maracyn but it didn't seem to change anything. Hope you get it squared away, they really can be delicate fish.
Have you noticed any bullying? With only 3 I worry he might be getting picked on. I have 5 in a grow out BB tank and I need to add a few more for the little guy in mine to get a break...
Could be stress related.

Yes there is one that is pestering the others. I started with just a few because I wanted to make sure I could deal with them and not kill a bunch of fish. Maybe I'll go get a few more this week sometime.
zparticle said:
Yes there is one that is pestering the others. I started with just a few because I wanted to make sure I could deal with them and not kill a bunch of fish. Maybe I'll go get a few more this week sometime.

Sounds like a plan. I agree if nothings wrong with water quality somethings picking on the fish. I saw a discus at the LFS yesterday in QT because it was getting picked on badly.
zparticle said:
Yes there is one that is pestering the others. I started with just a few because I wanted to make sure I could deal with them and not kill a bunch of fish. Maybe I'll go get a few more this week sometime.

The sooner the better! And the closer they all are to the same size the better!
Diskus breathing heavy, and no swimming

Hi to everybody,

I have 7 Diskus, and Dark Angel Diskus never liked so much to be with other ones, so time by time he comes, eat with others, swim, and he go to his part, even protecting it from others.
3 Neons got ICK, and i am using Herbtana product and since 6 days i dose 90ml of VOOGLE easy life and ICK didnt spread, and its going away slowly, diskus wasnt infected. Apetite was during this 40 days veryyy good.
Yesterday i bought Stedker good heart, and they didnt like to eat it so much, dry food i avoid to give them,. So i went and i took some fresh tubifex worms, which is comming from hidrobiologic farm. Everything in Germany, higly controlled. Diskus ate it like craz, they loved it.
Today in the morning they are close to the wood root, and dont wanna swim, and breathing heavyyyyy, like no air in the tank, they even came just to eat and went again back.

Water Parameters are very good,

Juwel Vison 450 L

PH 6,9
KH 6
GH 8-9
Cl2 0
NO3 8-10 (i have thick planted tank)
NO2 0
Cl2 0
CO2 - 30mg/l

I have no clue what can be.Other fishes r behaving totally normal....
I have video, so u guys can take a look and help me .....
Ammonia from uneaten worms, not completely familiar with all the chemical compound letters. Don't think I saw ammonia?

I would add an additional air pump.

Gills inflamed?

Any expired tests with any false reading?

Temperature in a good range?
I did water change

Test r valid till 2020. i cahanged 50% water and as soon i started to take water out, diskus started to swim and looking for a food. Today they waited for a food like the ynever ate ?


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